Evolution of GPS/Maps

  • First GPS and Why

    First GPS and Why
    "Transit" was the first satellite system launched by the USA in 1960. This was for military usage.
  • Transit was Succeeded by Timation Satellite

    Transit was Succeeded by Timation Satellite
    This proved that "highly accurate atomic clocks could be operated in space"
  • First Four GPS Satellites Launched

    Only available to Military
  • Period: to

    11 "Block Satellites" Launched

  • Reagan Stated GPS Should be Available to the World

  • First BLOCK II Satellite Launched (Modern Satellite)

  • "Global Positioning System" Complete

    24 Satellites that circle the world every 12 hours. That satellites communicate their exact location at each specific time via radio signals.
  • MapQuest Released on the Internet

    MapQuest Released on the Internet
    People could search directions to any location simply by searching it on the internet
  • Period: to

    Civillian GPS Use Prospered

    Military stopped blurring out signals for security, and demand for GPS systems grew and became 10x more accurate
  • First Phone with GPS Created

    First Phone with GPS Created
  • More Modernized Prosperities

    President Bush gave more availability and access to personal GPS usage and released any user fees
  • Google Maps Announced on the Google Blog

    Google Maps Announced on the Google Blog
  • First Modernized GPS System Launched

    Allowed people open access signal with different frequencies
  • Sprint's GPS Usage

    Sprint's GPS Usage
    Sprint was the first company to include GPS in their technology, creating a "family locating" piece that allowed you to locate people in your family if they had their phone on them.