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Evolution of Cars

  • 480 BCE

    the Mechanical Horse

    the Mechanical Horse
    One of the very first known forms of a mechanical conveyance comes from the noted inventor Lu Ban of China, who, around 480 BC, created a walking wooden horse; This was a type of carriage for bringing supplies to an army during wartime. It probably required the input of a human operator so it wasn’t self-propelled, but it heralded a new way for humans to use machines to move across the surface of the earth, something we’re still rather obsessed with.
  • 308 BCE

    The Giant Mechanical Snail

    The Giant Mechanical Snail
    Polybius introduces the giant mechanical snail as an example of how critical Demochares was of Demetrius. The suggestion is that Demetrius, the Macedonian puppet-ruler, was openly mocking the citizens of Athens for their cowardice, their slowness and stupidity in giving up their democracy and capitulating to Macedonia.
  • 550

    Wind Chariots

    Wind Chariots
    A wind chariot capable of carrying thirty passengers and covering hundreds of li in a single day was mentioned by Emperor Yuan of Liang in the Book of the Golden Hall Master (《金楼子》), which was written during the Southern and Northern dynasties (420-589).
  • 1335

    Wind Car

    Wind Car
    A number of Italians documented wind-powered vehicle concepts. In 1335, Guido da Vigevano became the first. It was a windmill-style drive to wheels using gears.
  • 1418

    Fontana's Human-Powered Land Vehicle

    Fontana's Human-Powered Land Vehicle
    Giovanni Fontana built the first land vehicle propelled by human power in 1418. Fontana constructed a four-wheeled vehicle with gears connecting the rope.
  • 1470


    Francesco di Giorgio Martini designed a car that was powered by four capstans, one for each wheel. It also featured a steering wheel. Di Giorgio Martini referred to his creation as an "automobile," likely making this the earliest known use of the term for something resembling a modern car.