
Evolution of Britain's Government

  • Oct 14, 1066


    After the fall of the Roman Empire, William the conqueror introduced feudalism to England. He creates the first census and moves the capital to London.
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    During the reign of John, son of Henry II, the people grew tired of his mistreatment. Therefore, the English nobles drafted a document to limit the power of the King, which gave more rights to the nobles. Later on, the lower class of people believed the right outlined in the Magna Carta also belonged to them. Several years later, King Edward I asked a group of people to help him officially make decisions called Parliament. This was the basis of a democratic Great Britain.
  • Jan 25, 1533

    The Church and Kings

    The Church and Kings
    After the Bubonic Plague, the people lost faith in the church. Therefore, the kings and nobility were in charge of more since they had the people's favor. Even Kings became supreme leaders of the Church. Henry VIII was one of these kings who was entrusted with the church. However, he went against the church when he wanted a divorce with his wife. He then changed the official religion of England to Anglican that would allow him to divorce his wives.
  • Absolutism

    Queen Elizabeth I, daughter of Henry VIII, died and her closest relative to take her crown was James VI and I. He was already the King of Scotland, which he then unites with England to form Great Britain.
    After James VI and I died, his son, Charles I, took over the crown. The people absolutely hated him to the point of making him sign a Petition of Rights, which limited his absolute power. Even after that, the people revolted and beheaded Charles I. Parliament is now in control over the royals.
  • Victorian Age

    Victorian Age
    The peak of Great Britain’s success was during the reign of Queen Victoria who later gave up her crown and rule over Parliament. This new form of government is called a Constitutional Monarchy and it was the first step towards Democracy. Nevertheless, Great Britain was doing well for themselves because of their many colonies that provided them with many tradable, natural resources. These Resources came mostly from their African and Indian colonies.
  • Prime Ministers Take Over

    Prime Ministers Take Over
    Today, Great Britain is a Constitutional Monarchy where Prime Ministers are elected to deal with the country's political affairs. Their current monarch is Queen Elizabeth II who has reigned since 1952. She serves as tourist attraction and Supreme Governor of the Church of England.