Bandera de espana grande

Evolution of tourism in Spain

  • The first organized trip in history.

    The first organized trip in history.
    So, on July 5, 1841 it organized a trip railway for more than 500 people from Leicester to Loughborough to attend a rally anti alcohol. It reached an agreement with the railway to get a percentage from the sale of every ticket. A trip of about 11 miles by which charged 1 shilling each of travelers. The price included the train ticket and food.
  • First Railway network of Spain

    First Railway network of Spain
    It was built the first railway network that connected Barcelona with Mataró (29,1Km of lenght) Since this year, it will be produced a quick expansion of railways and a large amount of lines of them, that will become into the main railway companies of this time: Railway Company from Madrid to Zaragoza and Alicante (1856), Iron Roads Company of North Spain (1858) or Andalusian Railways Company (1877).
  • Revolution of the Spa Industry

    Revolution of the Spa Industry
    At this year, and supported by the interest of people, it was founded a surprising amount of 152 health resorts (or spas)
    Thanks to the quick travelling offered by new railway lines, these facilites, that ensured a nice quality of their springs, a good hidrotherapy facilities and well equipped hotels. had at this time more than 150.000 hot spring bathers. Although all of these costumers were wealthy people that could pay for it.
  • Iberia (Airline)

    Iberia (Airline)
    Iberia, is a Spanish airline, founded in 1927 under the name of Iberia, air transport company. Its current name is Iberia air lines of Spain, S. A. Operadora Unipersonal.4 currently is one of the oldest in the world
  • Birth of the first parador in Spain

    Birth of the first parador in Spain
    The opening was at this time, but its origin dates back to 1910, when the Government of Spain, headed by Jose Canalejas, decided to order the project of creating a hotel structure (non-existent then in our country) to the Marquis de la Vega Inclán. Those establishments would give host to hikers and travelers, meanwhile Spain's international image would be improved. The work began in 1926, and the place to build was in Sierra de Gredos, between Madrid & Ávila, among a landscape of unique beauty.
  • Giralda

    Giralda is the name given to the Bell Tower of the Cathedral of Santa Maria of the see of Seville, in Andalusia (Spain). The two lower thirds of the Tower correspond to the Minaret of the mosque of the city, at the end of the 12th century, in the Almohad period, while the top third is a superimposed on Christian era to house campaigns. On December 29, 1928, it was declared national patrimony and in 1987 joined the list of the heritage of your mankind.
  • Ibero-American Exposition in Seville

    Ibero-American Exposition in Seville
    Exhibition Iberoamericana de Sevilla, opened on May 9, 1929 and closed on June 21, 1930, was the first international exhibition to give a sample of the twinning between the two countries on the Iberian Peninsula with America; Spain and Latin America, United States and Portugal with Brazil and Macao. The second event was the 1992 world exhibition, also held in Seville, the city that had the monopoly of trade with America in the Spanish golden century.
  • Creation of the Department of Information and Tourism in Spain

    Creation of the Department of Information and Tourism in Spain
    The Department of Information and Tourism existed during the Franco's regime in Spain, and there was entrusted to control the information, the censorship of press and of radio, also the administration of the Tourism
  • Spanish model of mass tourism

    Spanish model of mass tourism
    At this year, the number of visitors was above 6 millions of people. Because of this, it started a unstoppable growth period that lasted till 1973 (When it came an economical recession mostly due to the end of the Francoism). During this time it was necessary to build large amounts of apartments and hotels, this triggered a precipitate urbanization of the seacoasts, ruled by lack of planning and speculation.
  • The Alhambra is considerated as World Heritage

    The Alhambra is considerated as World Heritage
    At the UNESCO Convention, which was held in Buenos Aires between 29th of October and 2nd of November of 1984, the World Heritage Committee proceeded to officially include the Alhambra and the Generalife of Granada on the World Heritage List. This fact, provided a great fame to the monument around the world that brought to Spain more reasons to visit it, and once again Spain consolidated his economy on Tourism.
  • Universal Exposition in Seville (1992)

    Universal Exposition in Seville (1992)
    The 1992 Seville world exhibition was held in the capital of Andalusia (Spain) in 1992, and was popularly known as "Expo 92" or "Expo". As all post-1931 Universal exhibition, it was regulated by the international exhibition Bureau. It had a duration of six months, starting April 20 and ending October 12, 2 the date coinciding with the V centenary of the discovery of America. It was built to commemorate this fact, and its motto was "The age of the discovery".
  • AVE: First service of high-speed rail in Spain

    AVE: First service of high-speed rail in Spain
    21 Apr 1992 Known as AVE (commercialized by RENFE). They are trains that go at 310Km per hour (as maxime speed) by electrified lines. In June of 2013, the Spanish AVE system is the longest HSR network in Europe with 3,100 km (1,900 mi) and the second in the world, after China's
  • Llaw Regulating Tourism

    Llaw Regulating Tourism
    ORDER of November 9, 2006, that is
    It articulates the strategy of sustainable tourism in Andalusia
    and measures are implemented to their development
  • Spain,third world potence of turism.

    Spain,third world potence of turism.
    Last year Spain reached 64.995.275 international tourists, up 7.1 percent from 2013.Ihis indicated that Spain is consolidated as third world tourism potence, behind France and the United States.If we talk about tourism resort (commonly known as sun and beach) our coasts were the destination of 62% of European holidaymakers, followed by Greece and Italy.The OMT also notes 7% growth in international tourism in the first two months of the year.

    FITUR, Feria Internacional de Turismo renueva su compromiso por el desarrollo sostenible de África, mediante su industria turística, a través del Foro de Inversiones y Negocios Turísticos en África, INVESTOUR, que celebrará su séptima edición, el 21 de enero de 2016, en el marco de este certamen organizado por IFEMA y que desarrollará su actividad del 20 al 24 de enero del próximo año. El Foro está organizado conjuntamente por FITUR; la Organización Mundial del Turismo, OMT, y Casa África.