Events to Civil War

  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad Underground Railroad was a passageway used by many slaves to escape to their freedom. The slaves used this in secret so that their owners or other whites from the south wouldn't find them. This helped lead to the civil war because many slaves were using this and escaped from their owners and that made their owners angry, and the more they escaped the more the slaves were beaten and watched.
  • Mexican American War

    Mexican American War war was between Mexico and America, and ity ended with the Treaty of Guadelupe-Hidalgo. This helped lead the US to a civil war because we were fighting. We were fihgting over land and expansion which we would eventually be debated into a slave or non slave state.
  • Wilmont Proviso

    Wilmont Proviso Wilmont proposed his amendment called the Wilmont Proviso. It said that any territory that the US recieved from Mexico shall not fall to slavery or involuntary servitude. This lead to the civil war because it didn't allow the slave states to get their way.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850 the summer of 1850 there was a compromise. This compromise was over western stated like, California. Congress debated if California and other western states would be free or full of slavery. This lead to the civil war because there was a lot of conflict between the "two" sides over the issue of slavery and the boundaries.
  • Fugative Slave Act

    Fugative Slave Act the Compromise of 1850 the slaveholders or slave owners had to pointy out or catch spotted runaways and turn them in to be testified in court. This helped lead to the Civil War because it was insuring that slaves couldn't escape from their "masters."
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin's_CabinThis was a book that was written by Hariet Beecher Stowe. It was a book that told the story about a slave hero named "Tom" and his overseer. Southerners were outraged by this book and got very frustrated by the inmact it made on people. This is why many historians believe it to have played some part in the cause of the civil war.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act Kansas-Nebraska Act was an act that provoked seperation of states into being slave states or free states. Stephan Douglas wanted to to make the northern Great Plains available to settle on. So he decided to argure that Nebraska would be a free State While Kansas would be a slave state, so that both sides could be happy. This helped lead to the civil war because people weren't solving the slave state problem. they were just putting it off unitl they had to deal with it, which ment war.
  • Ostend Manifesto

    Ostend Manifesto US wanted to take controll of cuba and make it a state, and they were trying to change the national policy by using force to gain controll. This helped lead th US to a civil war because we were using force to gain territory from another country that we had no business dealing with.
  • Period: to

    Bleeding Kansas was in a big conflict over being a slave state or a free state. There was people from Missouri called "border ruffians". There was a big despute between being able to vote. This lead to the cause of the civil war because it was basically a mini cival war already.
  • Caning of Charles Sumner

    Caning of Charles Sumner was a Senator that was beaten to death by a member of the House of Representatives with a cane. This fighing is not good while your country is at risk of being split into two. There is a lot of fighting between groups of people that have lead to the civil war, this inlcuded
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision was the decision by a guy named Dread Scott. It said that all african americans and their decidendants were not protected under the constitution. This was a decision made that was considered unconstitutional. This lead to the civil war because there was a dispute between the protection on the slaves decendants under the constitution.
  • John Brown's Raid

    John Brown's Raid's_raid_on_Harpers_FerryThis was a mini revolt between the slaves and their owners. This almost caused the seperation of the north and south. This was basically like the civil war but on a smaller scale, so it was a civil war already.