Control Of Power
The soicalists and communists passed the enabling act giving Hilter the power to rule by any decree. -
From Citizens To Outcast
The nazis initated a boycott of jewish shops and businesses, but people didnt lesitn and it was called off 24 hours later. -
The Terror Starts
Communists, socialists, and other politcal opponets of the Nazis were among the first to be rounded up and imprisoned by the storm troppers. -
The Night Of The Broken Glass
The Nazi party unleased anit- jewish violence across greater germany, there were many casualties and jewish men were arrested and sent to concentration camps. -
Jewish refuge
The government polices made it hard for jews to get refuge, the St.Louis ship was carrying 937 passengers and most were jews, but the cuban government later revoked their landing certificate. -
The War Begins
For most of the next two years german forces occupied or controlled much of continental europe.By the end of 1942 the allies were on the offensive and drive back german forces.The war eneded May 1945 with the surrender of germany. -
Life In the Ghetto
The ghettos were city districts , often encolsed and were jewish population to contorl and segregate it from the non- jewish population. Later the german authorities severely restrictied supplies. The survial of the jews were very slim. -
Concentration Camp Horror
Jewish got on trains thinging they were going to be safe but later found out they would be killed in gas chambers, and those that were killed were cremated and there belongings were solded .