Events of the Civil Rights Movement - 19th & 20th Centuries

By abbyd_
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by President Abraham Lincoln as a war measure in the American Civil War. It proclaimed freedom for the slaves in the states that were still in rebellion against freedom. Also it ensured that anyone who was freed must be enrolled in the united states service.
  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
    America divided into two groups, the Union which was the south and had slaves, and the north which didn't have slaves. These two groups disagreed on their beliefs about slavery and went to war. This war lasted four years killing six hundred thousand american soldiers.The north won and slaves were free. The years of the American Civil war was 1861-1865.
  • Fifteenth Amendment

    Fifteenth Amendment
    The fifteenth amendment guarantees all men to vote regardless of race, or past conditions. This amendment was ratified five years after slavery was abolished, and allowed millions of black former slaves the right to be equal, and vote under preotection of the law. This law was rejected and adopted once, but it was final March 30, 1870.
  • Exoduster

    Thousands of African Americans refused to live under segregation, so they all migrated to Kansas, this is known as the Exoduster movement of 1879. It along the Mississippi River, and it was the first general migration of the African Americans, organized by a man named Benjamin Singleton. This migration was to escape the Ku Klux Klan, the White league , The JIm Crow laws, and anything else that made them unequal.
  • Poll Tax & Literacy Tests

    Poll Tax & Literacy Tests
    White democrat legislature passed a new constitution that overpowers the fifteenth amendment which allowed all men to vote regardless of race. Now you need to pay poll tax to vote, when most blacks couldn't pay for and a literacy test, which most blacks couldn't pass.
  • Plessy vs Ferguson

    Plessy vs Ferguson
    This court case Plessy vs Ferguson required that public facilities must be seperate but equal, this meaning that even if races weren't mixed at the work places the quality, improtance, and level should be the same. This idea lost seven to one, but remained since a law was passed with the same sepreate but equal idea. This court case was very important in the civil rights movement.
  • Niagara Movement

    Niagara Movement
    This movement was a black civil rights organization founded by a group lead by two people Du Bois, and William Monroe Trotter. The organization discussed opossition to racial segregation, and also opossed polocies of accomodations lead by Booker T. Washington.
  • League of Struggle

    League of Struggle
    This league for black rights started in 1930 and started to support nine black men who were sentenced death for a crime they did not commit. It was also started to campaign a seperate nation for the black people in the south. The league also started against police violence, Jim Crow laws, and general polocies of inequality.
  • Henderson vs United States

    Henderson vs United States
    This case was declaring that segregation of railroad carts and dining cars would be abolished. This means blacks and whites would be able to ride and eat together while on the railroad. This case started when Elmer W. Henderson a black passanger was driving first class and all the tables to eat were reserved for whites.
  • Ruby Bridges

    Ruby Bridges
    Ruby Bridges becomes the first black child go to an all white elementary school at William Frantz Elementary School. Her parents felt that even though she was being bullied her education was more important, and she needed to get the best of it. This was starting the be the beginning of mixed race schools.
  • Loving vs Virginia

    Loving vs Virginia
    This courth case was issued when a black women and a white man wanted to get married in the time where intermarriage was still illegal. They had been sentenced to prison in Viginia for getting married. Finally all race based things were legal and the Lovings were allowed to be married.
  • Shirley Chisholm

    Shirley Chisholm
    Chisholm becomes the first Africn Americn women elcted to be in Congress. She represented New Yorks 12th COngrestional District for sevem terms. She was also the first women to run for the Democratic presidential nomination and recieved 152 ballot votes.
  • Douglas Wilder

    Douglas Wilder
    Douglas Wilder becomes the first African American governor in Virginia in 1990. He was the sixty-sixth governor of Virginia, and was elected statewide. Even if he had a rough childhood of the Great Depression, and being a grandson of a former slave, Wilder made a difference in todays history by becoming the first African American governor.
  • Re-Segregation

    President Woodrow Wilson the 28 president of the united states, democratic party, ordered that the work places and employment of blacks and whites should be re-segregated. this meaning that they won't be equal anymore. This made many angry, and even if a law was passed almost fifty years before, he still ordered this.