Hitler rises to power
Adolf Hitler is given his position of leader through the Enabling Acts -
Reichstag Fire Decree
After the German parliament was burned down, the Nazi party used the event to have an emergency decree approved, and President Hindenburg issued the Reichstag Fire Decree. The decree revoked people of their individual rights and allowed for arrest without any specific reason without due process. -
Anti-Jew Boycott
The Nazi Party attempts to start a boycott against Jewish businesses by spreading lies and discouraging people from buying from stores ran by Jews. The boycott ultimately failed as people continued to shop at Jewish businesses, and the campaign was called off after only a day. -
Hitler becomes absolute ruler
Hitler abolishes the office of President and declares himself Führer (ruthless, tyrannical leader) of the German people, with no legal limits to his authority or power. -
Nuremberg Laws are enforced
The German Parliament passes the 'Nuremberg Race Laws', which paint Jews as a race. The laws state that if you are a descendant of a Jew (had a Jewish grandparent), then you yourself are Jewish. -
Anti-Jewish laws in Hungary
Hungary enforces anti-Jewish laws, excluding Jews entirely from professions and prevented economic opportunities -
Night of Broken Glass
After a German Diplomat was wounded by a young Jew, Hitler started the 'Night of Broken Glass' which was a mass attack on Jews all over Germany. Jews were murdered and many more arrested, and many Jewish homes and businesses were vandalized or destroyed. -
Krakow Ghetto is established
Authorities of German establish a ghetto in Poland, and force thousands of Jews into said camp.