Ancient Greece 5th century B.C.
Ancient Athens was viewed as an ideal civiization for the ideal emulated place.Direct Democracy which was worked on a smal scal.They relied on decision making of all citizens and the emphasis of civic participation. -
Period: 500 to
Jun 15, 1215
Magna Carta
The Magna Carta established a limited government.The idea was that a government's power was clearly defined and that the government could not do whatever they wanted.The Magna Carta states the the king could and couldn't do.The magna carta established a rule of law.It established due process of law.This meant that you could not have a trial if there was no evidence or testimony to support the accusations being made. -
Mayflower Compact
The Mayflower Compact was a document in which settlers coming to America had to sign before they stepped a foot on land.A very important document that listed what the settlers could and could not do. -
A Document created by Thomaas Hobbes was a theory of the social contract.It was an idea of government that arose due to an agreement.Believed without any sort of government had lives that were "nasty,brutish,and short." Government was formed to ptotect people from themselves. -
Two Treatiaes on Government
this was created by John Locke for a representitive government.He believed that the purpose for a govwernment was to protect peoples natural rights."Life,Liberty,Property." -
English Bill of Rights
The English Bill of Rights established a constitutional monarchy in Great Britain.Constitutional monarchies employ a parliamentary system. The English Bill denounced King James II for abusing his power and the bill was passed as British law in December 1688. -
The Social Contract
The social contract was an agreement in which people banded togetherfor the same beliefs.this act was created by soveirgn. -
On the Spirit of Laws
An important document in Americas history was On The Spirit by Montesquie. Montesquieu defines three main kinds: republican, monarchical, and despotic. -
Treaties on Tolerance
Created by Voltaire created this great document.It was later called the Enlightenment. -
On Crime and Punishment
First Continental Congress
Was a meeting of the first thirteen colonies had met at Carpenter hall.The Congress was attended by 356 delegates appointed by the legislatures of the thirteen colonies. -
Second Continental Congress
The group of the reps. of the thirteen colonies had made a convention discussing how the states had worked.Theyu stated to congregate after warfare in the American Revolutionary War had begun -
Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson had wrote that citizens would not be protected by by all of the forms of the government.Jefferson had used John Locke ideas including other english philosophers. -
Articles of Confederation
The reps. of thethirteen states agreed to make a confederacy called the Unted States of America.States have the right to select and send two to seven delegates to Congress each year. Each state has one vote in congress, and delegates can only serve for a period of three years in any interval of six years -
Treaty of Paris
Shay's Rebellion
Daniel Shay and many other farmwers were unable to pay their taxes they had faced in the loss of their farms and imprisonment.Tn 1776 hundreds of angry farmers in Mass.stormed into the courthouse led by Daniel Shay. -
Philidelphia Convention(Constitutional Convention)
Congress called a meeting from all of the state delegates to discuss the problems with the articles of Confederation in 1787.They had to adress the issues of slavery,The number of representatives ,And whether to have a president or not. -
Ancient Rome 509 B.C.-49 B.C.
Ancient Rome was a republic form of government in which the citizens elected representatives.There was a Senate who's membership was inherited by their representative body that wsa made up of wealthy indivisuals.Their laws were written down in 450 BCE to ensure that all people and the government representatives followed them.