Election of 1860
Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the united states and his anti-slavery party striked fears in many southerners because they do want to see the abolishment of slavery which is a way of life in the south. -
Seperation From The Union
A month after the election South Carolina seceeded from the union and the same from all the other states in the south to form a confederate nation under a confederate government -
Fort Sumter 1861
The Union still had soldiers in the south caroline which is consider to be foreign land because they seceeded from the union, so the Confederates bombed fort sumter at the charleston harbor as a message to take all your remaining soldiers out of south carolina which is a foreign country -
First Battle of Bull Run
The first major land battle between the confederates and the union and was held in Manassas Junction, Virgina -
Second Battle Of Bull Run
Second major battle in northern virginia that was a deciding battle for both sides in the civil war and the confederates won that battle -
Battle of Antientam
The first battle in northern territory and the confederacy had the upper hand in the war and the north was in a losing fight trying to get emancination proclamation for blacks but they won this important battle in the civil war -
Battle Of Gettysburg
The last major battle in the civil war that will decide whoose favor will it be the union or the confederacy and it was held in pennslyvannia. The confedrates wanted to get the fight out of wartorn virginia so they attacked the union but failed and there recognition for a foreign country was buried -
Battle of Third Winchester
Third battle of the civil war which was held in the shenandoah valley in west virginia and it was the union first mjor win the civil war -
Battle Of Palmetto Ranch
The last battle of the civil war was held in texas. After the win in gettysburg the south suffered devastating loses and the assasination of Abraham Lincoln the union was celebrating their victory but the confederates wasn't ready to give up texas yet, which is there last occupied territory but was taken by the union