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French and Indian War
A. The cause of the that English colonist wanted to expand west, but they could not since the French were there.
B. The war was between the French and the British with Indians on both sides. Early on in the war, The French succeeded by using guerilla warfare against the British. But later on Britain came back and retook key cities leading to British victory.
C. The British won the war . The significance was the Proclamation of 1763. The British also started taxing colonist. -
Proclamation of 1763
A, The Proclamation of 1763 stated that the colonist could not move past the Appalachian Mountains. Gave Indians the land west of the Appalachian Mountains.
B. The effect of this law would be that the colonies could not settle west of the Appalachian Mountains. -
Sugar Act
A. The person responsible for the Sugar Act was George Greenville.
B. This law allowed English to tax sugar and molasses. People who smuggled were sent to a British court, not a colonial one. England began taxing the colonies because of the debt from the French and Indian War.
C. The significance of the law was that it started to make colonist protest against the British.
D. The Sugar Act was met with very little protest. The colonist had become used to a little bit of British regulations. -
Stamp Act
A. The person responsible for this act was George Grenville
B. This law required colonist to pay a tax for a stamp to be on documents.
C. The colonist were outraged with the Stamp Act. A group known as the Sons of Liberty harassed and protested British stamp agents. The House of Burgesses passed laws proposed by Patrick Henry that were against the Stamp Act. -
Quartering Act
A. This law required colonist to provide food, drink, and housing for British troops. -
Period: to
Stamp Act Congress
A.Delegates from nine colonies were involved in the Stamp Act Congress.
B. The Delegates met in New York City.
C. The purpose of their meeting was to discuss what to do about the Stamp Act.
D. All of the Congress agreed to the Stamp Act Resolves except one. The colonist at this meeting also discovered that they had a lot in common. -
Declaratory Act
A. The Declaratory act was passed after the repeal of the Stamp Act. This law was basically England saying that they had the right to rule and tax the colonies. -
Townshend Acts
A. Charles Townshend was responsible for this act.
B. This law taxed glass, tea, lead, paper, and paint. This law also allowed British troops to use writs of assistance to enter people's home to search for smuggled goods.
C. The tax money was used to fund the salaries of governors and judges to ensure their independence from the colonial assemblies.
D. Colonist boycotted British goods and did not import them. They also protested. -
Boston Massacre
A. On a cold night in March, a group of colonist gathered around the Customs house in Boston.They were protesting the tax.
B. A group of guards came to protect the Customs House. They were commanded by Thomas Preston. The colonist started throwing snowballs at the British. Eventually it came to colonist with clubs.
C. The british then fired at the colonist killing five colonist, one of them a fugitive slave known as Crispus Attucks. -
Boston Tea Party
A. Samuel Adams and his group called the Sons of Liberty were responsible.
B. The British passed the Tea Act and the Boston Harbor refused to not accept British shipments.
C. Samuel Adams and his group dressed up as Indians.
CC.His gang got on the ship and threw 500,000 pounds of tea overboard.
D. The British passed the Coercive Acts to punish Boston. -
Quebec Act
A. This act expanded the province of Quebec and guaranteed the religious freedom of Catholic Canadians.
B. Colonist were angry and thought that it took freedom away from them. -
Intolerable Acts
A.This act was aimed to punish the colonist of Boston.
B. This law closed the Boston harbor and made the colonist lost their legislatures. Colonist also were no longer tried by colonial courts, instead they were tried under a British judge.
C. The colonist wrote letters and newspapers Also the First Continental Congress was formed to come up with a way to fight the Act. -
Period: to
First Continental Congress
A. All of the states sent delegates except Georgia. Some of our founding fathers were there including George Washington, Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, and John Adams.
B. The Congress met in Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia.
C. The colonist were fed up with the Intolerable Acts and they took action.
D. Colonist decided that they had the right to run their own government and would not take military action unless attacked. They agreed to meet again. -
Battle of Concord & Lexington
A. i. The British were after a stockpile of guns and a few American Revolutionary heros(Samuel Adams and John Hancock.)
ii. The colonial force was made up of minutemen who were ready to fight at a minutes notice.
iii. On Britain's side, there was about 250 redcoats killed and wounded.. On the Colonists' side, there was about 90 killed and wounded.
B. The significance of this battle was that Britain did not get the colonist arms and it was the first armed conflict of the American Revolution. -
Period: to
Second Continental Congress
A. All of the states sent delegates to the colonies except Georgia but they came later. Some of our founding fathers were there including George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, and Thomas Jefferson.
B. The congress was held in Philadelphia.
C. The purpose of their meeting was to address the situation caused by the Battle of Lexington and Concord.
D. The result of this meeting was the creation of the Continental Army, writing of Declaration of Causes & Neutrality of Taking up Arms. -
Battle of Bunker Hill
A. The fighting occurred on Breed's Hill outside of Boston, Massachusetts.
B. The British marched in formation up the hill while the colonist shot at them. The British charged up the hill three times, the first two they were forced to retreat. On the third time they took the hill.
C. The result was that Britain took the hill and took heavy casualties.
D. The colonies saw the battle as a example of how they could hold their own against the British. -
Common Sense
A. Common was written by Thomas Paine.
B. Paine challenged the divine right of the King and called for the creation of a republic. He questioned in his pamphlet why is this king better than anyone else and why should we listen to him. He also pushed for separation from Britain.
C. This pamphlet was significant because it helped persuade many undecided americans to the Patriot's side. -
Declaration of Independence
A. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence.
B. The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th, 1776.
C. The three main ideas were: inalienable rights-life,liberty, and pursuit of happiness, unfair laws and taxes, and that England broke the social contract.
D. Majority of colonist supported the Declaration of Independence and rallied around it. -
French and Indian War:
Sugar and Stamp Act:
Quartering Act:
Stamp Act Congress:
http://www.ushistory.org/us/10a.asp -
Citations Part 2
Declaratory Act:
Townshend Acts:
Boston Massacre:
Boston Tea Party:
Intolerable Acts:
www.hobart.k12.in.us/gemedia/amrev/revwar/intolera.htm -
Citations Part 3
First Continental Congress:
Quebec Act:
Battle of Concord and Lexington:
Second Continental Congress:
http://theamericanrevolution.org/EventDetail.aspx?event=52 -
Citations Part 4
Battle of Bunker Hill:
Common Sense:
Declaration of Independence: