The French and Indian War
The French and Indian war, was the war with Britain over the new land and over the colonies and again the colonies. Both countries want the natural resources, The British claim that the proclamation line was protect the colonies against the Indians. Indians were fighting with both sides as allies but all different tribes.
The British win the war Colonies get taxed. The war ended in 1763. -
The Ending of The French and Indian War
The Sugar Act
Was the taxes put on sugar and molasses to help pay for The French and Indian War and help cover the cost for the army to stay in the new land. Patriots did not like that the British were doing this so the patriots planned protest and boycotts. The Loyalists agreed with Britain and the taxes that they put down.
Britain repealed the taxes but put on the declaratory act allowing the British to make laws with out the colonies needing to know. -
The Stamp Act
The Stamp Act was taxes put on paper items. The colonist had to buy stamps when ever they buy paper items like cards or paper.
Helped pay for the war and help keep troops in the new land. The Patriots did like that they had to pay for stamp when buying paper items so they did protests and boycotts. After a while the British repealed the act but keep the Declaratory Act. -
Townshend Act
Was the taxes on Glass, Lead, Paint, Paper, Tea. It was put in place to help pay for the 13 governor in the colonies and to pay for military expanses. The colonist thought that is took to much power from them so they started protest and boycotts and formed the Sons Of Library. Loyalists agreed with Britain about the taxes.Governor Francis Barnard asked that more troops were put in the colonies to keep order. -
Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre was the Massacre when a group of patriots were protesting in the fount the house that held the kings money. After the Massacre a trail was held for all of the British troops and two out the the 11 that were there were found guilty and had their thumbs cut off so they cant ever hold a gun again. -
Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party was a group patriots dressed as Indians and mad that the patriots had to pay 3 cent tax on tea. The patriots dressed like Indians so the loyalists could not tell the British who did it. there was over 5000 people there but only 50 patriots pored the tea into the water. The British sent troops back into the colonies and shut down the Boston port making many businesses having to fire people and even having to shut down them self's. -
The Intolerable Act
The Intolerable Acts were a series of act put in place after the Boston Tea Party and is the reason why the acts are there in the first place. Becuase of the tea party. Many loyalists and patriots were tried of British over using their power. So all of the loyalists and patriots joined together and found a way to stop the British. -
First Continental Congress Meeting
The First Continental Congress was a group of 55 men who meet up and talked about the current events like Boston and the British.The main reason for the continental congress was because the British bulling the Boston colonies. Most of the patriots wanted people to build militias and fight. The loyalist wanted to send a list of commands of what they want. King George just laughed and sent more troops over to take all guns -
The Continental Congress Meeting Ends