510 BCE
Ancient Greece
The idea in American Democracy that power comes from the consent of the governed is associated with democratic principles in Ancient Greece, which began to become democratic in 510 BCE. -
500 BCE
Ancient Roman Empire
The Ancient Roman Empire serves as one of the earliest examples of representative democracy, as citizens were allowed to vote for some of their representatives. -
The idea of a split between central and provincial government comes from the Iroquois, a group of Native American tribes who formed an alliance to work towards common goals, but also retained separate power among the different tribes. -
Magna Carta
The Magna Carta established a rule by law in England, enforcing that the king followed a set of laws when dealing with his subjects. This document was one of the first that made governments accountable to a set of law. -
Petition of Right
The petition of right established specific liberties that the king was prohibited from infringing in England. -
English Bill of Rights
The English Bill of Rights, created in 1689, established the separation of powers, limited powers of the king and queen, enhanced democratic election, and bolstered freedom of speech. Many of these principles can be seen today in American Democracy. -
John Locke
in 1689, John Locke wrote about the natural right every human being was entitled to. These ideas about human rights still influence the way we think about them today. -
Montesquieu, in 1748, wrote that check and balances must be present in government to prevent one branch from becoming too powerful. The founding fathers of America were greatly influenced by his ideas. -
Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine published two influential works, Common Sense and Rights of Man that influenced and inspired the American Revolution. This, in turn, led to the formation of the U.S. on democratic principles.