Events/cases that help shape the United State's First Amendment

  • Massachusetts General Court formally adopts the first broad statement of American liberties

    Massachusetts General Court formally adopts the first broad statement of American liberties
    the Massachusetts Body of Liberties is created, the document includes a right to petition and a statement about due process.
  • Religious Freedom Granted

    Religious Freedom Granted
    The new Charter of Rhode Island grants religious freedom.
  • John Locke’s Letter Concerning Toleration is published

    John Locke’s Letter Concerning Toleration is published
    This letter provides the philosophical basis for George Mason’s proposed Article Sixteen of the Virginia Declaration of Rights of 1776, which deals with religion. Mason’s proposal provides that “all Men should enjoy the fullest toleration in the exercise of religion.”
  • Connecticut passes the first dissenter statute

    Connecticut passes the first dissenter statute
    Allows “full liberty of worship” to Anglicans and Baptists.
  • The State of Virginia jails 50 Baptist worshipers

    The State of Virginia jails 50 Baptist worshipers
    The Baptist worshipers were jailed for preaching the Gospel contrary to the Anglican Book of Common Prayer
  • Eighteen Baptists are jailed in Massachusetts

    Eighteen Baptists are jailed in Massachusetts
    Refusing to pay taxes that support the Congregational church.
  • Virginia’s House of Burgesses passes the Virginia Declaration of Rights

    Virginia’s House of Burgesses passes the Virginia Declaration of Rights
    The Virginia Declaration is the first bill of rights to be included in a state constitution in America.
  • Thomas Jefferson completes his first draft of a Virginia state bill for religious freedom

    Thomas Jefferson completes his first draft of a Virginia state bill for religious freedom
    This draft states: “No man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever.” The bill later becomes the famous Virginia Ordinance for Religious Freedom.
  • The Virginia legislature adopts the Ordinance of Religious Freedom

    The Virginia legislature adopts the Ordinance of Religious Freedom
    The Ordinance of Religious Freedom effectively disestablished the Anglican Church as the official church and prohibited harassment based on religious differences.
  • Federalist Paper

    Federalist Paper
    In Federalist No. 84, Alexander Hamilton writes on the subject of the liberty of the press, declaring that “the liberty of the press shall be inviolably preserved.”
  • Congress passes the Northwest Ordinance

    Congress passes the Northwest Ordinance
    provides that “religion, morality and knowledge being necessary also to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.”
  • Virginia becomes the 11th state to approve the first 10 amendments to the Constitution

    Virginia becomes the 11th state to approve the first 10 amendments to the Constitution
    On Dec. 15, Virginia becomes the 11th state to approve the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, thereby ratifying the Bill of Rights.