
  • Sandhurst Manifiesto

    Sandhurst Manifiesto
    The Sandhurst Manifesto was a political manifesto signed on December 1, 1874 by the then Prince Alfonso de Borbón, while he was in exile. In the document he showed his willingness to become king and supporter of a constitutional monarchy.
  • Reing of Alfonso XII

    Reing of Alfonso XII
    The pronouncement of General Arsenio Martínez Campos in Sagunto, on December 29, 1874, restores the Bourbon dynasty in the figure of Alfonso XII. On December 31, Antonio Cánovas del Castillo assumes the presidency of the Council of Ministers, opening a period of regency that ends with the arrival of the new king in Barcelona on January 9, 1875 and in Madrid on the 14th
  • Fundation Sandhurst Manifestation

    Fundation Sandhurst Manifestation
    Sandhurst's manifesto was a manifesto of political form signed on December 1 of 1874 by what was then Prince Alfonso de Borbón while he was in exile, in the document he showed his disposition to become king and supporter of a constitutional monarchy .
  • Fundation of PSOE

    Fundation of PSOE
    The Spanish Socialist Workers Party was founded at the Casa Labra in Madrid on May 2, 1879. A group of workers and intellectuals participated in its founding, led by the typographer Pablo Iglesias Posse.
  • Fundation of PSOE

    Fundation of PSOE
    The Spanish Socialist Workers Party was founded at the Casa Labra in Madrid on May 2 of 1879, a group of workers and intellectuals participated in its founding, led by the typographer Pablo Iglesias Posse.
  • Regency of Maria Christina

    Regency of Maria Christina
    After the death of Alfonso XII on November 25 of 1885, Queen María Cristina assumed the Regency. He was sworn in by the Cortes on December 30 of 1885 in the Palace of the Congress of Deputies, in the joint session of both houses.
  • Regency of Maria Christina

    Regency of Maria Christina
    After the death of Alfonso XII on November 25, 1885, Queen María Cristina assumed the Regency. He was sworn in by the Cortes on December 30, 1885 in the Palace of the Congress of Deputies, in the joint session of both houses.
  • Reing of Alfonso XIII

    Reing of Alfonso XIII
    Alfonso XIII's reign coincides with a regenerationist era. The political system at the beginning of the century is a liberal, although undemocratic, monarchy based on the alternation of the two great parties: the conservative of Cánovas and the liberal of Sagasta.
    Alfonso XIII, posthumous son of Alfonso XII, swears on May 17, 1902 before his mother, María Cristina de Habsburgo-Lorena, regent to date, the Constitution of 1876.
  • Bases of Manresa

    Bases of Manresa
    They are the document presented as a project for the Catalan regional constitution for a presentation by the Catalan Union before the council of representatives of the Catalan associations, meeting in Manresa (Barcelona) on March 25 and 27, 1892 on the initiative of the Lliga de Catalunya. The Bases of Manresa are usually considered as the "birth certificate of political Catalanism", at least the conservative one.
  • Teatry of Paris

    Teatry of Paris
    signed in Paris by representatives of King George III of Great Britain and representatives of the United States of America on September 3, 1783, ended the American Revolutionary War. The treaty set the boundaries between the British Empire in North America and the United States of America, on lines "exceedingly generous" to the latter.[2] Details included fishing rights and restoration of property and prisoners of war.
  • Tragic Week

    Tragic Week
    The events that occurred in Barcelona and other cities in Catalonia between July 26 and August 2, 1909 are known as Tragic Week. The trigger for these violent events was the decree of the Antonio Maura government to send troops from reserve for Spanish possessions in Morocco, at that time very unstable, the majority of these reservists being the parents of the working classes. The unions called a general strike.
  • The october revolution

    The october revolution
    Also known as the Bolshevik Revolution and the Great October Socialist Revolution, according to both the official historiography of the former Soviet Union and according to some communist groups, was the second phase of the Russian Revolution of 1917.
  • Anual disaster

    Anual disaster
    The Annual Disaster was a
    a serious Spanish military defeat in the war of the Rif and an important victory for the rifeños commanded by Abd el-Krim. It occurred between July 22 and August 9, 1921 near the Moroccan town of Annual located between Melilla and the Al Hoceima Bay.
  • Dicatorship of Primo de Rivera

    Dicatorship of Primo de Rivera
    The Primo de Rivera dictatorship was the political regime that existed in Spain from the coup d'etat of the Captain General of Catalonia, Miguel Primo de Rivera, on September 13, 1923, until his resignation on January 28, 1930 and his replacement by the "dictablanda" of General Berenguer. It has been considered as "the first authoritative trial of conscious institutionalization of Spanish nationalism" whose instrument was the Army, strongly corporate and militaristic.
  • The proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic

    The proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic
    Consisted of the establishment on April 14, 1931 of the new republican political regime that succeeded the constitutional monarchy of Alfonso XIII de Borbón, who had been "delegitimized" by allowing the Primo de Rivera dictatorship and that he had failed in his attempt to return to "constitutional normality" with the dictatorship of General Berenguer.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    Also known by the Spanish as the Civil War par excellence, it was a warlike conflict that would later also have an impact on an economic crisis that was unleashed in Spain after the partial failure of the coup d'etat of July 17 and 18,1936 carried out by a part of the armed forces against the Government of the Second Republic.
  • Bombing of Guerninika

    Bombing of Guerninika
    It was an air attack carried out on the civilian population of this Spanish population on April 26, 1937, during the Spanish civil war, by the German Condor Legion and the Italian Legionary Aviation, which were fighting for the rebel side against the government of the Second Spanish Republic. Current estimates of casualties put the deceased in a range that ranges from 120 to 300 deaths, one hundred and twenty-six according to the most recent and exhaustive study.1
  • End of the Civi War

    End of the Civi War
    Ending almost three years of conflict, the civil war between the Republican side and the rebel side (formed by the Spanish Falange and other conservative groups), ended on April 1, 1939 with the victory of the national side with General Francisco Franco to the head.