Evensts leading to the Indian reveloution

  • EastIndian Company

    EastIndian Company
    A britsh COmpany that took control of India
  • Seypoj Rebellion

    Seypoj Rebellion
    the Indian Army rebellion the british rule becsaue the guns were greased with pig fat and cow fat and they were trying to ship us out to fight a diffrent country
  • INC

    The indian Natinal Congress was part of sperating the british fro india
  • Muslum League

    Muslum League
    the league of Muslums to help muslums out becasue they were scared of Indians take over them
  • Salt March

    Salt March
    The day when Ghandi and his people went to the sea and createdsalt when it was under the law
  • Quit India

    Quit India
    They were telling press everything what the british were doing to the Indians
  • Muslum and Hindu Conflict

    Muslum and Hindu Conflict
    Muslums thought that when India is free from the british rule, the Hindus are going to take over, so they made 1 part muslum and 2 part hindu
  • Indian Independence

    Indian Independence
    the day the british left india and never retured there again
  • Ghandi killed

    Ghandi killed
    Leader and creater of Non-Vilence Revelt in india. he freed the indians and muslums from the british rul and was killed by gun shot