EastIndian Company
A britsh COmpany that took control of India -
Seypoj Rebellion
the Indian Army rebellion the british rule becsaue the guns were greased with pig fat and cow fat and they were trying to ship us out to fight a diffrent country -
The indian Natinal Congress was part of sperating the british fro india -
Muslum League
the league of Muslums to help muslums out becasue they were scared of Indians take over them -
Salt March
The day when Ghandi and his people went to the sea and createdsalt when it was under the law -
Quit India
They were telling press everything what the british were doing to the Indians -
Muslum and Hindu Conflict
Muslums thought that when India is free from the british rule, the Hindus are going to take over, so they made 1 part muslum and 2 part hindu -
Indian Independence
the day the british left india and never retured there again -
Ghandi killed
Leader and creater of Non-Vilence Revelt in india. he freed the indians and muslums from the british rul and was killed by gun shot