Evelyn Lincoln

  • Born

    Evelyn Norton Lincoln was born.
  • Saved

    Many of the items from Kennedy's time served was given to or taken by Evelyn so that it was "saved from extinction". Many of the items were given to her by JFK.
  • The Beginning

    Miss Lincoln became the personal secretary for John F. Kennedy and served him for 10 years.
  • Tapes

    Evelyn was one of the only knowing and storing tapes were installed in the oval office.
  • Mr. President

    Mr. President
    President Kennedy was assassinated.
  • Accused

    Evelyn was accused of taking information from president Kennedy after he died. They questioned her because she was one of the only ones that Kennedy told everything to.
  • Anniversary of JFK

    Every year on November 22nd, Evelyn would visit Arlington National Cemetery and place 3 stemmed roses on Kennedy's grave.
  • Time with JFK

    Evelyn wrote four books about her time spent with Mr. Kennedy. Two of which were published and two that were not published.
  • Her Return

    After the death of president Kennedy, Evelyn returned to Capitol Hill as secretary for 6 years but always had an eye out for a potential president,
  • Files

    After JFK died, Evelyn gave his files to the library and they were known as the "Evelyn Lincoln Files". The files consist of all the paperwork she was assigned and the four books she wrote about him.
  • Death

    Evelyn Lincoln dies at the age of 85 and was cremated in Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.