Evelyn fox kellar 960x380

Evelyn Fox Keller

By npcmcd
  • Birth

    Keller was born between the end of World War I and the beginning of World War II in Queens, New York. Born to Russian immigrants, Keller is a first generation american.
  • Period: to

    Lifetime Acheivement

    Evelyn Fox Keller has established herself in academics, teaching and studying at some of the most prestigious universities in the world. Her writings and lectures have advanced the studies of gender in science not only as a matter of inclusion, but structure. Keller has challenged the notion of the scientist as a controlling husband, attempting to wield control over his undutiful wife (nature).
  • Reflections of Gender and Science

    Reflections of Gender and Science
    Reflections on Gender and Science discusses the role of gender in science not simply as a matter of participation, but one of structure. Recognizing that traits such as reason and discovery are deemed male by historical science, Keller explores the concept of knowledge, but pointing out that what is known is directly related to who knows it, and according to what perspective. (Keller, Evelyn Fox. Reflections on Gender and Science. Yale Univerity, 1995.)
  • Induction to American Philosophical Society

    Induction to American Philosophical Society
    Established in 1743, the American Philosophical Society is a prestigious collection of eminent philosophers and thinkers. Fellow members include Margaret Mead, Thomas Edison, and Charles Darwin.
  • Fellowship in American Academy of Arts and Sciences

    The American Academy of Arts and Sciences was founded during the revolutionary war, and is one of the oldest bodies of academic, artistic, and scientific achievement in the country. To be included in the Academy is to be recognized alongside peers such as Jonas Salk, James Audubon, Maria Mitchell, and Duke Ellington.