Steven Biko
Steven Biko was born on this date. -
Apartheid Beggining
The Apartheid began on this date. This date was also the National Party in South Africa.. -
Period: to
The Apartheid
The Aparteid Start
The Aparteid End -
Election of Dr. D.F. Malan
Dr. D.F. Malan was elected. He made 317 racist laws for Africa -
Blacks not Citizens
All blacks on this date were no longer counted as people. -
The Killing Masacre
This was the Sharpvillie Massacre date. -
Little Rivonia Trial
Happenend on this date. -
Mandela Imprisonment
Mandela was captured and sent to jail for 27 years even though he didn't serve all of the years. -
Steve Biko
Steve Biko was murdered by those cops on this date. -
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela was born on this date. -
The Raid on Gaborone
Took place on this date was the Raid of Gaborone. -
Purple Rain Protest
The Purple Rain Protest was on this date. They used a cannon with purple paint so they could identify the people afterwards to arest them. -
Bisho Killing
The Bisho Killing took place on this date. -
End of Apartheid
F.W. de Klerk was elected and he passed a law saying Aoartheid was illegal. -
The Apartheid Museum Opened
The Museum opened on this date.