Filiki Eteria aimed to liberate Greece
In 1814 a secret organization called the Filiki Eteria was founded with the aim of liberating Greece. They planned revolts in Peloponnese, the Danubian Principalies and Constantinople. The first of the revolts began March 6th 1821 in Danubian Principlies but was brought down the the Ottomans. -
Ioanis Kapodistrias was chosen as the first governer of the new republic of Greece
In 1827 Ioanis Kapodistias was chosen as the first governer of the new republic, but was assassinated in 1831. He was dethroned in 1862 and Prince Wilhelm (William) of Denmark took his spot. -
1848 Revolution in Austria
The 1848 revolution in Austria lead ti the establishment of the autonomus region of Jerbian Vojvodina. -
The treaty of San Stefano was signed by Russia and the Ottomans.
Rome Takeover
Macedonia was defeated by Rome and became a Roman province. -
Bulgaria gained its Independence.
Bulgaria, gained Independence
Albania gained its independence
They gained their independence from the Ottoman Empire because they wanted to be freed from the Empire's dictatorship! The decleration was later ratified on December 17, 1912. -
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinard
On June 28, 1914 the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinard of Austria led to Austria- Hungary declaring war on Serbia. -
World War I in Romania
Romania declared neutrality when WWI broke out. Which weakened their Eastern front. -
The Treaty of Lausanne
The Treaty of Lausanne on July 24, 1923 led to the international recognition of the soverienty of the newly formed "Republic of Turkey". -
The Kingdom becomes Yugoslavia, meaning the Kingdom became a federal republic.
bosinnia chaned control
when germany invaded yugoslovia, bosnia was made part of the nazi controled croatia. -
Turkey joined NATO
After participating with the United Nations forces in the Korean War, Turkey joined the NATo in 1952, becoming a bulwark against Soviet expansion into the Mediterranean. -
Treaty for independence
The Treaty of Guarantee was signed to give Cyprus independence within Common Wealth of Nations -
Becoming Federate States
The Turks became a Federate State adn the two zones of Cyprus remained as a buffer, -
Uprising ends communism
An uprising cause the end to the reign of Romanian president Nicoale Ceausescu which brough an end to communism. -
Period: to
albanian power chamge
In1991 albanian took power from the comunist control and finally on march 22, 1992 the country had its first democratic elections! They still to this day have a democratic government system. -
Croatia gained it's Independence.
Macedonia declared independence from Yugoslavia. -
albanian power change
look at timespan