European Timeline

  • 1492

    Columbus "discovered" the Americas

    Columbus "discovered" the Americas
    Columbus landed in the Caribbean
  • 1517

    Martin Luther posts his 95 Thesis

    Martin Luther posts his 95 Thesis
    He posted his Thesis that questioned the Church and posted them on the door in Wittenberg Germany
  • First attempt to settle Roanoke Island

    First attempt to settle Roanoke Island
    Sir Walter Raleigh landed in the Roanoke Islands
  • Spanish Armada is defeated

    Spanish Armada is defeated
    England became the Mistress of the Sea
  • King James I becomes King of England

    King James I becomes King of England
    King James becomes King after King Charles
  • Jamestown the colony is founded

    Jamestown the colony is founded
    Jamestown was founded in Virginia
  • King James Version Bible is published

    King James Version Bible is published
    King James version was published after King James
  • The Pilgrims land in the New World

    The Pilgrims land in the New World
    The Pilgrims came to the New World for religions
  • Charles I is executed

    Charles I is executed
    Charles is executed for dismissing Parliament