Apr 5, 1462
Ivan III of Russia
Reigned from 4/5/1462 to 11/6/1505 and died on the throne.
Event 1: Expanded territory, forming the muscovy
Event 2: Annexed Yaroslavl
Event 3: Annexed Novgorod
Event 4: Invaded Lithuania
Connections: Rurik Dynasty
Grade: B: Good ruler who expanded Russia's territory -
Apr 21, 1509
Henry VIII of England
Reign: 4/21/1509 to 1/28/1547. He died while on the throne from health complications.
Event 1: Seperated England from the Catholic Church
Event 2: Formed Anglican Church
Event 3: Became King of Ierland
Event 4: Married six times
Connections: The Tudors
D- England being seperated might not be a bad thing although it was for his own good, but he was a bad guy in general, married 6 times because his wives didn't give him a son -
Mar 14, 1516
Charles I of Spain
Reigned 3/14/1516 to 1/16/1556. Charles I retied from the throne and gave it to Philip II.
Event 1: Provided 5 ships to Magellan, who then circumnavigated around the world.
Event 2: Fought Protastism
Event 3: Italian Wars V France
Event 4: Colinization of Americas
Connections: Hapsburg Valois-Burgundy
B- He voluntarily retired so he seems to be an okay guy. He helped Magellan be able to conqure his journey. -
Dec 12, 1533
Ivan IV of Russia
Ruled from 12/12/1533 to 1/26/1547 and died of a stroke while on the throne.
Event 1: First to be crowned Czar
Event 2: Russo-Turkish War
Event 3: Russo-Crimean War
Event 4: Conquered Siberia
Connections: Rurik Dynasty
Grade: C: He did many great things for Russia but descended into madness after his wife died. -
Jan 28, 1547
Edward VI of England
Reign: 1/28/1547 to 7/6/1553. He died at age of 15 from terminal illness while on the throne.
Event 1: More firmly established Protestantism in England
Event 2: Named Jane Grey his heir
Event 3: War in Scotland
Event 4: Put down a rebellion
Connections: the Tudors
B- He died young, didn't get to do much but while he was 'ruling' he seemed to do alright. -
Jul 19, 1553
Mary I of England
Reign: 7/19/1553 to 11/17/1558. She died while on the throne of the flu or cancer.
Event 1: Took throne from heir Jane Grey
Event 2: Reverted England to Catholicism
Event 3: Persecuted Protestants
Event 4: Married Philip II of Spain
Connections: The Tudors and Hapsburgs
F- She killed a bunch of protastants, no religious tolarence and tied England to Spain, giving Hapsburgs more power. -
Jan 16, 1556
Philip II of Spain
Reign 1/16/1556 to 9/13/1598. He 'left' the throne becuase of his cancer which he died from.
Event 1: Colonized the Phillippnes
Event 2: Sends Spanish Armada to invade England
Event 3: Created Dutch Republic
Event: Destroys Turkish Navy
Connections: Hapsburg
C- He bankrupted Spain a total of four times which made the Dutch Republic decalre independance. He also failed with the invasion of England. -
Nov 17, 1558
Elizabeth I of England
Reign: 11/17/1558 to 3/24/1603. Died while on the throne of natural causes.
Event 1: Seperated England from the Catholic Church, again
Event 2: Tolerant of other religions
Event 3: Executed Mary, Queen of Scots
Event 4: Defeated Spanish Armada
Connections: The Tudors
A- She was tolarant of other religons which was awesome and defeated the Spanish Armada, causing the ties to be broken between Spain and England. -
Henry IV
Reigned from 8/2/1589 to 5/14/1610 and was assassinated during his reign.
Event 1: War of the Three Henries
Event 2: Renounced Protestantism in order to gain the French throne
Event 3: Public policy reforms which made him popular with his people
Event 4: Married Marie de' Medici
Connections: Bourbon, and Medici family
Grade: A: A good ruler who cared about his people and initiated many public policy reforms which made life better for his subjects. -
Philip III of Spain
Reign: 9/26/1598 to 3/31/1621. He became ill and died while ruler.
Event 1: He got rid of Moriscos to defend Catholicism.
Event 2: Peace with the Dutch
Event 3: Anglo- Spanish War
Event 4: Enter the Thirty Years War
Connections: Hapsburg, and Holy Roman Emperor
B- He made peace with the Dutch but he was involved with war and actually brought Spain into the Thirty Years War... not good. -
James I of England
Reign: 3/24/1603 to 3/27/1625. He died while on throne from health problems.
Event 1: King of Scotland when crowned king of England and Ierland
Event 2: Married Anne of Denmark
Event 3: King James' Bible
Event 4: Gunpowder plot happened while under his rule.
Connections: The Tudors
C- He didn't do anything totally terrible but nothing too fantastic so he was just normal in the middle grade of a ruler. -
Louis XIII
Reigned from 5/14/1610 to 5/14/1643 and died during his reign from health issues.
Event 1: Established the French Academy
Event 2: Negotiated the Franco-Moroccan Treaty
Event 3: War against the Hapsburgs
Event 4: Ended the revolts of the Feudal Lords
Connections: Bourbon, Son of Medici and Henry IV
Grade: B: A solid ruler who made some progress for France, but wasn't as accomplished as Henry IV -
Michael I of Russia
Ruled from 2/21/1613 to 7/12/1645 and died during his rule.
Event 1: Founded the Romanov Dynasty
Event 2: Ended the "Time of Troubles"
Event 3: Established manufactories and markets
Event 4: Reorganized the military
Connections: Romanov
Grade: A: A good ruler who got Russia back on track after the Time of Troubles and started the Romanov Dynasty which would last until 1917 -
Ferdinand II of the Holy Roman Empire
Ruled from 8/28/1619 to 2/15/1637 and died during his reign
Event 1: 30 years War
Event 2: Bohemian revolt and Defenestration of Prague
Event 3: Aided in Counter-Reformation efforts
Event 4: Edict of Restitution
Connections: Hapsburg
Grade: C: While not the worst monarch, religious wars and persecution are not desirable qualities in a ruler. -
Philip IV of Spain
Reign: 3/31/1621 to 9/17/1665. He died while on the throne.
Event 1: Thirty Years War. Peace of Westphalia
Event 2: War with the Dutch
Event 3: War with the France
Event 4: Defends Catholicism
Connections: Hapsburg family and Holy Roman Emperor
B- During his rule the Spanish Empire was at it's Zenith but he wasn't as good with domistic and military reform -
Charles I of England
Reign: 3/27/1625 to 1/30/1649. He got executed while on the throne.
Event 1: Thirty Years War
Event 2: English Civil War
Event 3: Second Civil War
Event 4: Second Bishops' War
Connections: The Tudors
F- He was bad towards his own people, who ultimately was executed by his own people. he wanted absolute ruling which is a bad leader status. -
Frederick William The Great Elector
Ruled from 12/1/1640 to 4/29/1688 and died during his rule
Event 1: 30 Years War
Event 2: Second Northern War
Event 3: Defended against a Swedish invasion
Event 4: Advocated mercantilism and internal improvement
Connections: Hohenzollern
Grade: B: Decent ruler who defended his people from Swedish invasion. -
Louis XIV
Reigned from 5/14/1643 to 9/1/1715 and retired the throne shortly before dying.
Event 1: Franco-Dutch War
Event 2: War of the League of Augsburg
Event 3: War of Spanish Succession
Event 4: Revoked the Edict of Nantes
Connections: Bourbon, Wife was Maria Theresa of Spain
Grade: D: Increased religious persecution and established a degree of absolute monarchy that would eventually set the stage for the French Revolution. -
Oliver Cromwell of England
Reign: 12/16/1653 to 9/3/1658. He died from health realted issues when he was on the throne.
Event 1: leader of the Roundheads during English Civil War
Event 2: Became Lord Protector and established a commonwealth in england.
Event 3:Commanded in the English campaign of Ierland
Event 4: Signed King Carles I's death warrant
Connections: Bourchier, Cromwell, and distantly the Tudors
A- He was the beginning of Commonwealth and everyone seemed to like him. He was good for England. -
Charles II of England
Reign: 5/29/1660 to 2/6/1685. He died while on the throne from natural causes.
Event 1: Re-established the Monarchy.
Event 2: Second Anglo-Dutch War
Event 3: Secret Treaty of Dover
Event 4: Re-Established the Church of England
Connections: Turdors
C- he re established the monarchy which isn't the best for people and also had a secret treaty. He did re establish the england church though. -
Charles II of Spain
Reigned from 9/17/1665 to 11/1/1700 and died from the serious health issues he had from genetic problems caused by incest.
Event 1: Married Marie Louise d'Orleans
Event 2: Last Hapsburg ruler of Spain
Event 3: Created a Great Council to investigate the Spanish Inquisition
Event 4: Presided over the greatest auto-da-fe
Connections : Hapsburg family
Grade: F: Charles II was completely incompetent because of his genetic problems which were caused by the extensive incest in the Hapsburg family. -
Peter I of Russia
Ruled from 5/7/1682 to 2/8/1725 and died from a bladder infection
Event 1: Westernization of Russia
Event 2: Fought with Sweden to acquire St. Petersburg
Event 3: Moved the capital to St. Petersburg
Event 4: Streltsy Rebellion
Connections: Romanov
Grade: A: His primary goal was to make it so that Russia could catch up with the rest of Europe which had a significant impact on the development of the country -
James II of England
Reign: 2/6/1685 to 12/23/1689. Died while on the throne from a brain hemorrhage.
Event 1: Fled during the Glorious Revolution
Event 2: Converted to Roman-Catholicism
Event 3: Faced a rebellion in England led by the Duke of Monmouth
Event 4: Faced a rebellion in Scotland led by Archibald Campbell
Connections: Tudors
D- he Fled from the glorious revolution, not a good ruler to do that. He also converted people to a relgion. -
Frederick I of Prussia
Ruled from 4/29/1688 to 2/25/1713 and died of natural causes during his rule
Event 1: Established monarchy in Prussia
Event 2: War of Spanish Succession
Event 3: Established schools/academia
Event 4: United Hohenzollern lands
Connections: Hohenzollern
Grade: B: Establishing schools and acadamies was a good thing for his people and he participated in the War of Spanish Succession to prevent the Hapsburgs from gaining too much power in Europe. -
Mary II of England
Reign: 2/13/1689 to 12/28/1694. Died while on throne from smallpox
Event 1: Married William of Orange
Event 2: Was offered the crown instead of James II's heir because of protestantism
Event 3: English Bill of Rights passed under her rule.
Event 4: Ordered the arrest of her uncle, who plotted to restore James II to throne.
Connections: Eldest daughter of James II
B- She didn't do anything terrible, she passed a bill of rights for the people. She also arrests bad people. -
William III of England
Reign: 12/28/1694 to 3/8/1702. Died of pneumonia while on the throne.
Event 1: Married Mary II
Event 2: Offered the crown for joint rule with Mary II
Event 3: English Bill of Rights passed under his rule
Event 4: War with France
B- He was the same as his wife, they both were good people. He did fight in a war with France though. -
Philip V
Reigned from 11/16/1700 to 1/14/1774 and retired the throne to his son.
Event 1: War of Spanish Succession
Event 2: War of Quadruple Alliance
Event 3: Invasion of Scotland
Event 4: Raid on the British
Connections: Hapsburgs, Theresa, and Louis XIV
Grade: B: Solid ruler who kept Spain powerful and was much better than the previous ruler Charles II -
Charles VI of the Holy Roman Empire
Ruled from 10/12/1711 to 11/20/1740 and died during his reign by eating poisonous mushrooms
Event 1: War of Spanish Succession
Event 2: Pragmatic Sanction
Event 3: Founded Ostend Company
Event 4: War of Polish Succession
Connections: Hapsburg
Grade: B: Pragmatic Sanction was a big thing since it allowed a woman to inherit the realms of the Hapsburgs but like many rulers at this time he was eager to expand his domain through war. -
Frederick William I of Prussia
Ruled from 2/25/1713 to 5/31/1740 and died of natural causes while on the throne
Event 1: Great Northern War
Event 2: Created a surplus in the national treasury
Event 3: Encouraged agriculture and conservation of resources
Event 4: Resettlement of East Prussia
Connections: Hohenzollern
Grade: A: Createing a surplus in the treasuring and encouraging conservation of resources shows that Frederick William I was a very intelligent and rational monarch. -
Louis XV
Reigned from 9/1/1715 to 5/10/1774 and died during his reign from smallpox.
Event 1: War of Austrian Succession
Event 2: Inducted Lorraine into the kingdom
Event 3: Restored the southern Netherlands
Event 4: Inducted Corisca into the kingdom
Connections: Bourbon
Grade: C: Weakened the treasury and may have contributed to the French Revolution. -
Frederick II of Prussia
Ruled from 5/31/1740 to 8/17/1786 and died of natural causes during his rule
Event 1: Capture of Silesia
Event 2: War of Austrian Succession
Event 3: 7 Years War
Event 4: Connected all parts of his territory into one great power
Connections: Hohenzollern
Grade: A: He is historically known for turning Prussia into one of the greatest military powers in Europe.
Grade: A: Frederick the Great forged Prussia into one dominant power in Europe and was responsible for reforms in Prussia itself. -
Maria Theresa of Austria
Ruled from 10/20/1740 to 11/29/1780 and died of smallpox
Event 1: War of Austrian Succession
Event 2: 7 Years War
Event 3: Education reform, established schools
Event 4: Abolished torture
Connections: Hapsburg
Grade: A: Abolishing torture and reforming education was a huge step forward for europe at this time. -
Catherine II of Russia
Ruled from 7/9/1762 to 11/6/1796 and died of a stroke while still in power
Event 1: Expanded the borders of Russia into the Ottoman and Polish territory
Event 2: War with Poland
Event 3: Continued the modernization and westernization of Russia that Peter I had started
Event 4: Pugachev's Rebellion
Connections: Married to grandson of Peter the great, a Romanov
Grade: A: Much like Peter I she did a lot to make Russia competitive with the rest of Europe and improve it's position. -
Louis XVI
Reigned from 5/10/1774 to 9/21/1792 and was forced from the throne and executed when the French Revolution broke out.
Event 1: Called Estates General
Event 2: Supported the American Revolution
Event 3: Removed Taille and abolished serfdom
Event 4: Attempted reforms and religious tolerance
Connections: Bourbon
Grade: C: Indecisive and instigated the French Revolution.