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European History

  • 476 BCE

    The Fall of Rome

    The Fall of Rome
  • 793

    The Viking Raids Began

    The Viking Raids Began
    The first Viking Raids on record were on the northeast coast of England. It was held against monastery of Lindisfarne.
  • 1095

    The Crusades(1095-1492)

    The Crusades(1095-1492)
    The crusades were religious wars betweeen the Christians and Muslims. It started to secure control of there holy sites that were sacred to both sides.
  • 1300

    The Renaissance (1300-1600)

    The Renaissance (1300-1600)
    The Renaissance was a time period when the cultural, artistic, and political time in Roman history. This event happened after the Middle ages.
  • 1347

    The Black Death (1347-1350s)

    The Black Death (1347-1350s)
    The Black Death was a terrible contagious disease that had spread through Europe in the 14th Century. This plague consisted of swelling, boils, sickness, nausea, aches, pains, and death.
  • 1440

    The Printing Press(1440-1450)

    The Printing Press(1440-1450)
    The printing press is a machine that makes a big amount of production for uniform printed matter. It is mostly used for printing books and newspaper.
  • 1478

    The Inquisition

    The Inquisition
    The inquisition was an investigation to punish the people who were going against the Church throughout Europe and the Americas. It began in the 12th century and has continued for hundreds of years.
  • 1492

    Columbus began his exploration of the New World

    Columbus began his exploration of the New World
    Columbus began his exploration of the New World ( 1492-1502 )
    Columbus made 4 trips around the world to find a direct water way west from Europe to Asia. Columbus for explorations happened in 1492, 1493, 1498, and 1502.
  • 1517

    The Reformation (1517- 1648)

    The Reformation  (1517- 1648)
    The Reformation
    Was a time in the Europe Catholic church when a lot of things were changing such as, religious beliefs , political thoughts , intellectual feelings and cultural
  • The Gunpowder Plot

    The Gunpowder Plot
    The Gunpowder plot was a unsuccessful mission to assasinate and destroy King James I and the government
  • The Elightnment (1685-1815)

    The Elightnment  (1685-1815)
    The Elightnment was as part of a movement referred to by its participants as the Age of Reason. Britain,France and Europe thinkers questioned the improvement of humanity in there region.
  • The Seven Year War (1756-1753)

    The Seven Year War (1756-1753)
    The Seven Year war contained two main struggles. One struggle was the conflict between Britain and its ENEMIES France and Spain. The second conflict was between Fredrick the Great of Prussia and his components Austria, France, Russia, and Sweden. That continued for 7 years later.
  • The Industrial Revolution(1760-1830)

    The Industrial Revolution(1760-1830)
    The industrial revolution is a period of time where people began to use electric power tools and factory work to create things for their everyday lives.
  • The French Revolution (1789-1799)

    The French Revolution (1789-1799)
    A time in France where the people brought down the government and took over. People had chanted “Liberty! Equality!” It lasted 10 long, tiring years
  • WWI (1914-1918 )

    WWI  (1914-1918 )
    world war 1
    During this war Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire fought against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan and the United States. This war all started after the death of Archduke Franz. During this war many soldiers and civilians died.
  • The Russian Revolution (1917-1918)

    The Russian Revolution (1917-1918)
    The Russian Revolution
    The Russian Revolution took place at the very end of WW1. This meant all of the Russian army men would be taken out of the war. This time was the transformation of the Russian Empire changed into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and their would no longer be a monarchy.
  • Interwar Germnay (1918-1939)

    Interwar Germnay (1918-1939)
    A period of time after WWI where Germany was suffering. Their Political and economic system was struggling
  • WWII (1939-1945)

    WWII (1939-1945)
    WWII was known to be the biggest and deadliest war. There were more than 30 countries in WWII. It started by the Nazi’s invading Poland. It continued for 6 horrible deadly years after that and finically the ALlies defeated the Nazi’s, Germany and Japan.
  • The cold war (1947 - 1991)

    The cold war (1947 - 1991)
    The cold war
    The cold war took place during the 2nd world war. This war was fought between the United States and the Soviet union. This time period was a period of disagreement and anger. The US did not feel that the Soviet Union decisions were great and that they would lead to future benefits. The Cold war got its name because both sides were afraid to battle each other face to face.
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan was planed to help the people who were injured in WWII. It started in 1948 an they raised $15 billion to rebuild all of the buildings and houses and their town.
  • The Berlin Wall (1961-1991)

    The Berlin Wall  (1961-1991)
    The Berlin Wall
    The Berlin wall was put up in 1961 to block people from East Berlin to cross over to the West side of Berlin. In 1991 the Berlin wall was taken down because a new law was crossed that the people from the West can cross to the East and the people from the East can cross to the West. The Berlin Wall was taken down by Hammers and picks from the people both from the West and the people on the East.