1337 BCE
Hundred Years War
The Hundred Years War was a series of conflicts carried on from 1337 to 1453. House of Plantagenet, rulers of the Kingdom of England, against The House of Valois, rulers of the Kingdom of France. The Hundred Years War went on for 116 years it was fought between France and England. This war happened because Edward III died of England. They believed he had the right to become the new king of France through his mother. -
1337 BCE
Hundred Years War Pt 2
The war started off with several successes from Britain's part, which was different because English forces dominated France for decades it went back and forth. The Hundred years war inflicted untold misery on France. Farmlands were laid waste, a large portion was removed because of the war. England and France ended the first phase, that put the French back a lot. The treaty was signed after Edward the Black Prince defeated captured and defeated John II of France,located at the Battle of Poitier -
The Renaissance
The Renaissance was a period in time in European history. The Renaissance started in the 14th century to the 17th century, regarded as the Renaissance between the Middle Ages and tosses history. It started as a change in the way art, science, philosophies changed. In Italy In the medieval period and later spread to the rest or Europe, marking the beginning of todays age. -
The Renaissance Pt 2
The guided or developed by or relying on the mind rather a pos emotions or feelings. Based on the Renaissance having its invention version of humanism. "Man is the measure of all things" was the new thinking of the theme. This new thinking became manifest in art, architecture, politics, science, and literature. The historian Erwin Panofsky observed of this resistance. to the concept of "Renaissance". "It is perhaps no accident. -
The Renaissance Pt 2 number 2
That the facility of the Italian Renaissance has been most effort questioned by those who are not obligated to take a professional interest in the aesthetic aspects. Civilization historians of economic and social developments, political and religious situation, and most particularly natural science but only exceptionally by students of literature and hardly ever by historians of art. -
The Black Death
The Black Death was one of the most horrific diseases in history. The disease made as many as half of all europeans died so about 75 to 200 million people. This started in 1347 and ended in 1351. The disease spreaded a lot in 1350. The plague created a series of religious, social, and economic upheavals, which had profound effects on the course of European history. -
The Black Death Pt 2
The Black Death was terrifying one night you could be perfectly healthy and the next morning you could be dead without side effects. In 1384 the plague reached Paris, London, Lyon, and bordeaux. No one really knew the reason why it was spreading from patient to patient. according to a doctor the spirit was escaping from the eyes and skin. Everyone was trying not to get sick so even doctors weren't seeing patients. People believed that this was punishment for sins of god. -
Itialian Renaissance Pt 2
Where the Italian Renaissance took place was independent republic. It was also a banking and commercial capital. Wealthy people showed off their money and power by becoming patrons or supporters of artists. Humanism forced people to be curious and question the wisdom. This also encouraged people to experiment and observe to solve earthy problems. Artists and architectures applied many humanist to their work. Artists built things that were so big It was incredible. -
Itialian Renaissance
The Italian Renaissance was the first event of the general European Renaissance. They said that they are living in the new ages. The new ages meant the rebirth of learning and literature, art, and culture. Many of the scientific, artistic and culture achievements called the Renaissance have common things like humanistic. -
Commercial Revolution
Commercial Revolution had part in the creation of a European economy based on trade. This began in the 11th century and went till it was succeded by the industrial revolution in the mid 18th contrary. It received stimulus from the voyages of exploration by England, Spain, other nations to Asia, Africa, and the New World. -
Commercial Revolution Pt 2
Colonies were only allowed to export or import from European country that governed them. All the goods that were manufactured from the colony went to England. The colony did the labor while England got the profit. In 1300 most republics had become states dominated by Signore. exceptions were Venice, Florence, Lucca, and a few others remained republics. -
The Reformation is specially referred to as the protestant reformation, was a 16th contrary movement. This was to reform of abuses in the Roman Catholic Church. Ending in the establishment of the reformed and protestant churches. Western Christianity initiated by Martin Luther and continued by John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli, and other early protestant reforms in the 16th century Europe. -
Reformation Pt 2
Protestant Reformation was a time when Christians began to choose protestant beliefs over Catholic beliefs. Martin Luther was a German who believed that people should have here own authority of they're beliefs. Martin became angry when church handed out action which was a forgiveness of sins. Martin also believed that nons and monks shouldn't be held to there vows. Martin Luther was so angry that he wrote 95 theses regarding the actions -
Industrial Revolution Pt 2
One of the many triggers for the Industrial Revolution is the growth in the population. At the same time more efficient ways of production became needed to supply the basic needs for people. The men did work hard. Women had the same expectation as the men did but they got paid less then men. Workers were in constant fear of unemployment and starvation. France supplied a lot as well as Great Britain also. They supplied luxury goods, the first law changed was child labor and women labor. -
Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution was the progressive change. New manufacturing methods in that time from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840. Textiles were the dominant industry of the Industrial Revolution. Terms of employment, value of output and capital invested the cloth industry was the first produce. -
The French Revolution
The French Revolution was a period of social and political mess all around France. The French Revolution started in 1789 to 1799. This continued by Napoleon during the later expansion the expansion of the French empire. The French revolution stopped after the Napoleon Bona Parte took over the power in the November 1799. -
The French Revolution Pt 2
The kings tried to escape in June of 1791 and was caught and sent back to Paris. Austria and Prussia were specially greatly dismay by the striking treatment of Louis XVI. encouraged by the two imagrays people issued about him being protected. Declaration of pillnitz in August 27, 1791 said "warning France that if any harm came to the king, they would intervene, militarily if necessary. -
The French Revolution Pt2 number 2
Warning went unheated the situation became more weak. Early April that same year Austria and Prussia received a letter exclaiming other nations to join a alliance against France. They were shocked so instead of waiting they decided to declare war on Austria on April 20th 1792. This war went on for over two decades it didn't start well for France. Brunswick Manifeso declaring "if the king and him family were harmed or humiliated, the army would take revenge on Paris and destroy the city.