European history

  • 4000 BCE

    caves of Lascaux

    caves of Lascaux
    The caves of Lascaux were caves where native Europeans went to draw pictures of what was happening in their lives and what they were doing. The cave is located in southern France by the Montignac village. The cave was found by Marcel Ravidat in 1940 so before then we didn't know anything about this time period
  • 4000 BCE

    caves of Lascaux

    caves of Lascaux
    Because there was no writing during this time period it was hard to understand what exactly happened un tell Marcel Ravidat discovered the caves in 1940. these drawings told us what happened during this time period. There were drawings of horses, cows, buffalo themselves, their hands, what they were doing and what was happening
  • 1500 BCE

    Ancient Greece

    Ancient Greece
    This was the time of greeks and greek mythology. There was writing in this time so it was easier to understand what happened during this time period. Greek mythology was created during this time to explain events and nature. City states were developed which is a city and its surrounding area. The democracy was also created which is a political system in which all citizens share in running the government.
  • 1500 BCE

    Ancient Greece II

    Ancient Greece II
    The greeks created greek mythology which helped explain nature and events. The stories helped in explaining things like why the sun rose out of the west in the morning and how wars were started. There was writing during this time so we know what the stories were told and what lessons they gave.
  • 753 BCE

    Ancient Rome

    Ancient Rome
    The civilization began as an itilian settlement on the itilian peninsula which grew to the city of Rome. The Roman Empire expanded becoming one of the largest empires in the ancient world with around 50 to 90 million people living there. The empire evolved from a monarchy to a classical republic then to a autocratic empire dominating the Mediterranean region, Western Europe, Asia, North Africa, and parts of northern and Eastern Europe. This empire was eventually broken up by Interal instability.
  • 476

    Ancient Rome II

    Ancient Rome II
    Beginning in the eigth century BC anctient Rome grew from a small town on into an empire. It had a wide spread of languages including itilian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian. Legand says Rome was founded by Romulus and remus, twin suns of mars, the god of war. These twins were also supposedly raised by a she-wolf that found them washed ashore. Rome eventually collapsed losing all of its land one by one.
  • 1096

    The German Crusade

    The German Crusade
    The German Crusade of 1096 was the part of the First Crusade in which peasant crusaders from France and Germany attacked Jewish communities.This was the first organized massacre. There were a series of mass murders of Jews all killed Germans. This was done because of two things one, the Jews were Christian, secondly because of the need for money the Rhineland community’s (where some of the Jews lived) were somewhat wealthy. That led to them to attacking the Jewish communitys and taking them over
  • 1197

    the german crusade

    the german crusade
    This crusade was started because the Germans hated the Jews because of their religion and also because some of the Jews were wealthy. The first mob of attacker’s succeeded in wiping out some small Jewish villages but was stoped when they were all killed by Hungarian troops. But then a big band of 1000 men women and children wiped out most of the Jewish community’s
  • 1300

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    The renaissance is a time period in between the Middle Ages and the modern age. It started around 1300 and ended around 1700. The time period was a rebirth for all things artistic and creative. There was a lot of trade in the Mediterranean region during this time. Some famous people from this time were Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Donatello.
  • 1301

    The renaissance II

    The renaissance II
    The renaissance made people believe that they needed education again. This time was basically a rebirth on knowledge and science. Italy gained weathly people again during this time period because of the painting and sculptures they did.
  • 1347

    The Black Plague

    The Black Plague
    The,Black Plague was a very bad disease that estimated about 75 to 200 million people died from this disease in Europe. It took out about 40% of the population. If you survived this disease you were very lucky. If you were a peasant and survived this disease you were very very lucky Because most of them died causing the need for them to go up.
  • 1351

    The Black Plague II

    The Black Plague II
    The disease effected the needs for peasants to go up making them probably double or triple there original cost/need. The plague caused the world population to go from about 450 million to around 350 to 375 million taking around 200 years to recover from this event. This overall just wiped out most of Europe.
  • World War I

    World War I
    World War I started because of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914. Britain, France, Ireland and Russia were on the Triple Entente. Germany allied itself with Austria and Hungary, known as the centeral force. There were a lot of battles taking place all the time and there were 16 million people killed over all in this war. To end the war Germany surrendered in 1918 and all the country’s signed a treaty in 1919 to formally end the war.
  • World War I part II

    World War I part II
    World War I was fought mostly in Europe with a lot of people dieing and a lot more injured. At the beginning of the war there were a lot of battles fought between Germany and Austria-Hungary. Around 1916 and 1917 there was a lot of trench warfare using machine guns heavy artillary and chemical weapons millions of people died during this time although no one really gained anything. In the end both sides launched and all or nothing effort but both sides failed and Germany’s side gave up.
  • World War II

    World War II
    World War II started in 1939 because of the assanation of Franze Ferdinand. During this event the nazis and Germans wiped out around 6 million Jewish people and around 40 million people of other countries were killed. Most of the Jews were killed by torture as the Germans threw them into gas chambers or giant ovens slowly killing them making it a living hell for them. World War II ended in the surrender of the axis power in 1945
  • World War II part II

    World War II part II
    This event was very hard for the Jews that survived because even if you did survive most if not all of your friends and family were killed. After the war Germany was divided into four temporary occupation zones, roughly based on the locations of the Allied armies.many Germans were killed and Adolf Hitler commit suiside which is what caused Germany to be split apart.