200 BC
the astrolabe is invented -
in 206 BC
the magnetic compass is invented -
in 1415
The Portuguese seize Ceuta, sparking interest in rounding Africa -
in 1419
prince henry the navigator sets up a navigation school -
in 1440
the printing press is invented -
Bartolomeu Dias, He sailed around the southernmost tip of Africa in 1488 -
May 20, 1498
Vasco da Gama reaches India after rounding Africa. -
in 1500
the caravel is invented by portuguse explorer -
August 24, 1511
Portugal seizes Malacca. after the Portuguese figure out de gamas success they decide to capture key points around the indian ocean to spur trade and set up ports -
December 31, 1600
English merchants found the East India Company. Hoping to exploit trade in East and Southeast Asia and India, a group of English merchants form the East India Company by royal charter.