
Europe's History

  • May 5, 1300

    The Renaissance 1300s-1500s

    The Renaissance   1300s-1500s
    Printing press (more people can read information. More focus on human, less on religion. Artists become popular.
  • May 5, 1517

    The Reformation 1517

    The Reformation  1517
    Martin Luther wrote 95 Theses thus starting Protestanism.
  • May 5, 1518

    Exploration 1400s-1500s

    Exploration 1400s-1500s
    Goal was to trade with Asia and to convert everyone to Christianity
    1492- Columbus discovers new land (Americas)
  • Colonization 1500s-1600s

    Colonization 1500s-1600s
    Made colonies (area for from country), claimed the land
  • Industrial Revolution 1700s-1800s

    Industrial Revolution  1700s-1800s
    Wanted to create goods more quickly. Steam power was invented and made this possible. Factories/assembly lines were created. People moved to cities for the jobs.
  • French Revolution 1789-1815

    French Revolution  1789-1815
    People wanted rights for the third estate in France. They wanted equality. So they rebelled against the King. Then the time period of Jacobian's rule followed with 40,000 deaths. Then Napolean took over and tried to conquer other parts of Europe.
  • Nationalism and World War 1 1914-1918

    Nationalism and World War 1  1914-1918
    City-states begin to unite together and form countries. Then they formed alliances with each other. Countries of Europe wanted more land/to protect themselves so World War was fought. Then in 1917 the US joined war and helped defeat Control Powers.
  • World War 2 1939-1945

    World War 2  1939-1945
    Allies and Axis powers wanted to protect themselves from Axis aggression/gain more land. But Allies were able to defeat Axis Powers.
  • Cold War 1945-1991

    Cold War  1945-1991
    Tension between free and Communist countries. There were threats of using nuclear weapons.