Europe 1848-1871

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    New ideologies began to surface during these years.Liberalism began in Spain and France, the idea eventually spread to England. Radicalism and Republicanism began in England and France. Socialism began in western Europe, Nationalism began in France, Britain, and Germany.
  • Food Crisis In Europe

    Food Crisis In Europe
    During this time was when the food crisis and famine entered the whole continent of Europe. The people were starving due to the famine and the raise in agricultural prices. The increase in price for their food made it not only hard to get food to eat, but to also help provide for their family members.
  • Frankfurt Assembly

    Frankfurt Assembly
    Frankfurt assembly meets and proposes a plan for the unification of Germany. The Prussian King at the time refused to take the crown. He did not want the crown from the people from "the gutter."
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    Revolutions in Italy

    Violent revolutions began in Italy due to all the changes that were taking place during this time. All of the revolts took place due to numerous changes that were being made in society. The following revolutions occurred in Vienna, Budapest, and Prague. Conservative forces were able to suppress the Italian state revolutions that were taking place.
  • France Revolts

    France Revolts
    Revolution in France began. King Louis Philippe's monarchy is overthrown. Proclamation of the creation of the French Second Republic. This revolution was also referred to as the "February revolution."
  • New King in France

    New King in France
    Louis Napoleon wins the French Presidential Election, therefore taking control over all of France. Only adult men could vote on the presidency, which was the greatest suffrage in the world at the time. Before this only 200,000 men were allowed the right to vote, now 9 million men were able to vote for their president.
  • Crimean War

    Crimean War
    This war was based off of a military conflict. The war was between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire, France, Britain, and Sardinia. The war took place at 7 different locations which include the Crimean Peninsula, Caucasus, Balkans, Black Sea, Baltic Sea, White Sea, Far East.
  • The End of the Crimean War

    The End of the Crimean War
    This war ended with the Russian empire losing. The Crimean war was one of the first wars to use modern technologies during battle.The allied forces had won, and as a result of this war, the Treaty of Paris was created.
  • Austrian War

    Austrian War
    Austria declared war on the kingdom of Sardinia. Who was allied with France. The war began the following year.Sardinia annexes provinces in central Italy after plebiscites. France receives Savoy and Nice.
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    Civil War

    The American civil war began in this year. The first battle was the battle of Fort Sumter, the last was the battle of Palmito Ranch. These battles ended in Union victory.