Untitled 2

Eucharistic Timeline

  • Period: 55 BCE to

    Eucharistic Timeline

  • 50 BCE

    The appostle and their successors

    Development of the rituals of breaking the bread and drinking the wine
  • 33

    The last supper

    The last supper between Jesus and hid disciples took place
  • 150

    St. Justin Martyrs reorganization

    People started celebrating Eucharist in houses
  • 313

    The Growth of the Eucharist

    Large donations were made to the church
  • 400

    The estrangement of the Eucharist

    Eucharists would be performed without an audience
  • 1215

    estrangement continues

    The meaning of breaking of the bread is properly understood by Christs followers
  • 1545

    The council of Trent and Martin

    the faithful congregation would be devotional rather than liturgical
  • 1570

    tridentine mass

    The mass changed and the altar started to be placed at the back of the church.
  • Eucharist re-ignition

    The Eucharist went back to old strategies and celebrated old traditions
  • Pope Pius

    The pope decreases the age of receiving communion
  • Roman Rite book

    Joseph Jungmann, S.J., publishes "The Mass of the Roman Rite" exposing the intricate history of the Eucharistic mass
  • Changes to Eucharist and liturgy

    The "Constitution on the Liturgy" takes effect and several changes are introduced to the Eucharistic celebration