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Isabella ESS 2019

  • Chisso Corporation opens first chemical factory

  • Chisso Corporation opens chemical factory

  • Period: to

    ESS Timeline

  • Chisso corporation starts acetaldehyde production

  • Chisso Corporation begins acetaldehyde production

  • Disease discovered

    Minamata disease discovered in Minamata city
  • Strange Disease Countermeasures Committee created

  • Minamato Disease mortality rate reaches 35%

  • Strange Diseases Countermeasures Committee created

  • Minamata disease death rate reaches 35%

  • Minamata disease cause found

  • First patient in hospital

    five year old examined at the Chisso Corporation factory hospital
  • First patient found

    five year old girl examined at chisso corporation factory hospital with strange symptoms
  • Epidemic declared

  • Epidemic declared - Minamata, Japan

  • Mercury distribution in Minamata Bay investigated

  • Japanese Government issues an official conclusion as to the cause of the Minamata disease


    Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
  • Period: to

    Rio Earth Summit

    United Nations Conference held in Rio de Janeiro
  • Stockholm Convention

    aims to eliminate or restrict the production and use of persistent organic pollutants
  • Period: to

    Millennium Development Goals

    Eight international development goals.
    A document with three chapters was published: Freedom from Want (this was the chapter that had the 8 MDGs), Freedom from Fear, Freedom to Live in Dignity (based on the four freedom’s identified by former US President Franklin Roosevelt)
  • Minamata Convention on Mercury

    is an international treaty designed to protect human health and the environment from releases of mercury and mercury compounds
  • Millennium Development Goals

  • Period: to

    Sustainable Development Goals

    2015 UN Summit in NY redesigned the MDGs into the 17 SDGs, document published is called Agenda for Sustainable Development, target 2030 (document is sometimes referred to Agenda 2030)
  • Period: to

    COP 21

    Negotiation on the paris agreement, a global agreement on the reduction of climate change
  • Sustainable Development Goals