Los Iberos
Ellos hicieron esculturas de bronce y piedra.
Ellos vivieron en la costa de este.
Arrived in Spain in the neolithic period.
Lived in isolated communities based on tribal organization.
Had knowledge of metalworking, bronze, and agricultural techniques.
Iberians traded precious metals, tin, and copper. -
Sep 9, 711
Los Visigodos
Ellos hicieron el código de Visigodos.
Sobrevivieron en el siglo de siete.
Spread during the late Roman Empire.
Nomadic tribes of German people.
Created the Visgothic Code.
Visigothic Code was the basis of court procedure.
Also became a dominant power in the Iberian Peninsula. -
Sep 9, 1231
La Inquisición
Papa Gregorio empezó la campaña en mil doscientos treinta y tres.
La nquisición empezó en España en mil quatrocientos ochenta y uno.
Inquisition was at full force by 1255.
People who never confessed were burned at the stake.
Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand wrote a letter to the pope asking permission to start an inquisition in Spain.
First started in Seville where they burned over 700 conversos at the stake.
More than 13,000 conversos were put on trial. -
Sep 9, 1479
La Reconquista
Empezó con la batalla de Covadonga.
Ferdinand y Isabella terminamos la reconquista en Grenada.
Campaigns to capture Muslim territory from the Moors.
There was a failed invasion of Muslim Spain in 788.
Charlemagne first recaptured Barcelona in 801.
Alfonso I of Aragon captured the old Moorish capital of Zaragoza in 1118.
The Pact of Cazorla was an agreement in which when the kingdom of Valencia was recaptured, it would be reserved for Aragon. -
Sep 9, 1492
Los Moros
Ellos presentaron el astrolabio.
Ellos presentaron números de árabe.
Crossed the Strait of Gibraltar to get into Spain.
Progressed in Astronomy, Chemistry, Physics, Math, Geography, and Philosophy.
Education was available to all.
Ruled into the 12th Century.
Brought the compass from China to Europe. -
Sep 9, 1518
El Imperio Español
Empezó en un mil quatrocientos noventa y dos con Américas.
Tuvo colonias en Europa, América, África, Asia y Oceania.
Was first called the Empire on which the sun never sets.
Ceded last colonies in the Caribbean and Pacific to the United States.
Cortes lead an expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec empire.
Pizarro lead an expedition that caused the fall of the Incan empire. -
La Armada
La Armada tuvo una flota de ciento y treinta barcos.
La Armada tuvo una barco capturó por Francis Drake.
Started sailing in 1588.
Purpose was to escort and army from Flanders to invade England.
commanded by Duke of Medina Cedonia.
Over ⅓ of the original fleet of ships didn’t return from England.
The attempted inavsion of England was a failure. -
La Guerra Civil
Los rebeldes fracasaron capturar ciudades importantes.
Fought between Republicans and Nationalists. Nationalists were led by Francisco Franco.
Began after a declaration of opposition by Spanish generals.
Nationalists had 150,000 more soldiers.
President of Republicans was Manuel Azana.
Republicans controlled only about ⅓ of machine guns.
La guerra terminó en mil novecientos treinta y nueve. -
España Moderna
España Moderna empezó después de muerte de Franco.
Rey Juan Carlos estuvo rey en mil novecientos setenta y cinco y hizo España a una democracia.
A violent campaign in the Basque region has led to 850 deaths over the past decade.
ETA had a deadly bomb attack in Madrid’s airport.
In 2011, Spain had an unemployment rate of almost 23%.
Art, music, film, and dance are very highly regarded in Spain. -
Los Romanos
Los Romanos deforestaron España.
Ellos presentaron cristianismo en España.
Julius Ceasar was promoted to governor of Hispania Ulterior in 61.
Divided their conquered possessions which were Hispania Citerior and Hispania Ulterior.
Determined to defeat and conquer the Carthiniginians.
The Romans were in Spain for 600 years.