508 BCE
The rule by the people to chose the goverment and the people who write the rules. -
Fernando Aragoikoaren eta Isabel Gaztelakoaren arteko ezkontza: Errege Katolikoak
Valladolizen eeskondu ziren 1469. urtean horaindik biak printzeak ziren baina oso importantea izan zen eskontza hori zeren eta bi herri batu zituen. -
Period: 1474 to 1504
Errege Katolikoen erregealdia
Errege Katolikoak Gaztelako Isabel I.a eta Fernando II.a Aragoikoa ezkontideei eman zitzaien izena, Gaztelako Koroaren subiranoak. -
Nov 1, 1478
Espainiako Inkisizioaren sorrera
Espainiako Inkisizioa 1478an sortu zuten Errege Katolikoek beren erreinuetan ortodoxia katolikoa mantentzeko. -
Period: 1479 to 1516
Fernando Aragoikoaren erregealdia
Aragoiko erregea (1479-1516), Siziliako (1468-1516) eta Napoliko (1504-1516) eta Gaztelako subiranoa (1474-1504) bere emazte Isabel I.a Gaztelakoarekin batera. -
Period: Dec 27, 1481 to Jan 2, 1492
Granadaren conquista
- urteen artean, nazariek Zahara okupatu zuten data, eta 1492. urteen artean, Granadaren okupazioaren egunaren artean, bi potentziak ordura arte izandako izaera oso ezberdineko gudu bat egin zuten.
Mar 31, 1492
Juduen kanporaketa
Ediktuen testuaren arabera –hainbat bertsio eta kopia anitz zeuden–, judu herriak urte bereko uztailaren amaierara arte zuen Gaztela eta Aragoiko koroen lurraldeak uzteko. -
Aug 3, 1492
Colonen lehenengo bidaia
Kristobal Kolonen lehen bidaia Kolonek zuzendutako itsas espedizio bat izan zen, Errege Katolikoen zerbitzura, 1492ko abuztuaren 3an Palos de la Frontera portutik abiatu zena. -
Nov 26, 1504
Isabel Gaztelakoaren heriotza
Urriaren 12an testamentua eginda, 1504ko azaroaren 26ko eguerdia baino gutxira hil zen, Errege Jauregian. -
Period: 1512 to 1524
Nafarroren conquista
Nafarroaren konkista Nafarroako Erresumaren Gaztelakoa batzeko prozesua izan zen. -
Karlos I.a Espainiako errege bihurtzea
Hala, Karlos Espainiako erregea izan zen 1516tik 1556ra eta Alemaniako enperadorea 1519tik 1556ra. -
Period: 1516 to 1556
Karlos I.aren erregealdia
Hala, Karlos Espainiako erregea izan zen 1516tik 1556ra eta Alemaniako enperadorea 1519tik 1556ra. -
Period: 1520 to 1558
Espainiako Karlos I.a Germaniar Inperioko enperadore bihurtzea (Karlos V.a izenarekin)
Erromatar Santuaren enperadorea izan zen Karlos V. bezala 1520tik 1558ra. -
Period: 1520 to 1522
Komuneroen matxinada
La guerra de las Comunidades de Castilla fue el levantamiento armado de los denominados comuneros, acaecido en la Corona de Castilla desde el año 1520 hasta 1522. -
Period: 1556 to
Felipe II.aren erregealdia
Felipe II.a Espainiakoa, Espainiako erregea izan zen 1556ko urtarrilaren 15etik hil zen arte. -
Oct 7, 1571
Lepantoko gudua
Lepantoko gudua 1571ko urriaren 7an Patrasko Golkoan, Greziako Naupactus hiritik gertu, orduan Lepanto izenez ezagutzen zena, izan zen itsas borroka bat izan zen. -
Felipe II.ak Portugal eskuratzea
La incorporación de Portugal a la Monarquía Hispana en 1581 supuso la culminación de un proceso político. -
Philiph III
He was born on 1578 in Spain, son of Philiph II and his fouth wife. He was king the same day that his dad died in 1598 with him starts the declino of the Austrian emperie. -
Period: to
30 Years War
The causes of the Thirty Years War were the imbalance of power in the region, the weakening of the Holy Roman Empire and the resentment of Habsburg dynasty and finally FRance won the war. -
Philiph IV of spain
Son of Philiph III and Margaret of Austria reigned between 1621 and 1655, after the unexpected the dead of his father whe he was only 16 years tuerned king . -
Galileo proves the Erath orbits around the sun
By studying the sky by a telescope showed Galileo that the objections to the Copernican theory wich says that all the planets orbitated around the sun. -
Peace of Westphalia
Between January and October of 1648 wich put end to the 30 years war and laid the foundations of a new order -
Period: to
Charles II
Charles II of Spain, was king of Spain between 1665 and 1700. Son and heir of Philip IV and Mariana of Austria, he remained under the regency of his mother until he came of age in 1675. -
An European cultural and intellectual move from 17th and 18th -
An creator religious actitude that found expression between front of English whilers being aiba Eduard Heleard. -
A repussot to impose panitive smations for dissort from prevciling. -
Spanish war of succesion
The War of the Spanish Succession was an international war that lasted from 1701 until the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713. -
Louis XIV death
Execution of Louis XVI | Uruguay Educa
King Louis XVI was sentenced to death by guillotine by the revolutionary government of the Convention, on January 21, 1793, declared guilty of "conspiracy against public liberty and an attack on national security." -
Group of people living in the same place with the same rules goverment, cultur... -
1st Industrial revolution
The Industrial Revolution or First Industrial Revolution is the process of economic, social and technological transformation that began in the second half of the 18th century in the Kingdom of Great Britain. -
Didert and Alamber enciclopedie
The Encyclopédie was a project to systematize knowledge that brought together some of the best intellectuals of its time, with the intention of disseminating the principles of universality, truth, humanity, autonomy of reason, and secularism. -
7 years war
The Seven Years' War was a series of international conflicts between early 1756 and late 1763 to establish control over Silesia and for colonial supremacy in North America and India. -
Social contract
Social contract theory is the idea that society exists because of a set of implicitly agreed upon standards that provide moral and political rules of behavior. -
American Revolution
Revolution of the Thirteen Colonies, American Revolution or United States Revolution are expressions used in the Spanish literature to translate the Anglo-Saxon expression American Revolution, whose translation as American Revolution is not recommended regarding the use of the word "American". -
Separation of powers
Division of the legislative executive or judicial funtion. -
First-order administration unit. -
French revolution
The French Revolution was a social and political conflict, with various periods of violence, that convulsed France and, by extension of its implications, other nations in Europe that faced supporters and opponents of the system known as the Ancien Regime. -
A class of people in a political community any of the 3 groups. -
Treaty of utrech
The Treaty of Utrecht, also known as the Peace of Utrecht or the Treaty of Utrecht-Rastatt, is, in reality, a set of treaties signed by the antagonistic states in the War of the Spanish Succession between 1713 and 1715 in the Dutch city of Utrecht. and in the German town of Rastatt