ESE601 week 1 assignment

  • Frederick L. v. Thomas (Philadelphia)

    This landmark class action suit reaffirmed the opportunity for students with learning disabilities to access appropriate education programming. The representatives for Fredrick claimed that he did not have access to free public education and that students with disabilities were being discriminated against and that the district was in violation of the equal protection clause. The school district stated all students were provided with the equal access.
  • Homig v. Doe

    The Supreme Court case established limits for the discipline of students with disabilities. It determined that school districts may not unilaterally exclude students with disabilities from classrooms for disruptive or dangerous behaviors and that all programmatic changes must follow due process procedures that are outlined in Public Law 94-142.However, in severe situations the school district has the authority to suspend a student for up to 10 days (Henley, Ramsey, & Algozzine, 2009).
  • Cedar Rapids Community School District v. Garret F

    The Supreme Court established a ruling that the school district must provide trained nursing care to students that require medical care while in school. The Cedar Rapids Community School District claimed they should be obligated under the IDEA to provide medical care to students with disabilities, such as Garret F. The Supreme Court established that a school district is required to provide adequate nursing services for medically needy students while they are attending school.