erstellen einer Zeitliste

By NiciJ
  • Vygotsky Zone of Proximal Development

    Vygotsky Zone of Proximal Development
    Vygotsky came up with the Zone of Proximal Development. It is the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with other learners.
  • Period: to

    Environmental Approach-Pre 1960s

  • Bloomfield Language as an oral phenomenon

    Bloomfield Language as an oral phenomenon
    Assumed that language was primarily an oral phenomenon. Stems from the research conduct of Indian languages, which had no written system. Written language was seen as a secondary system to speech. Was influenced by behaviorism.
  • Skinner learning is conditioning

    Skinner learning is conditioning
    Viewed language learning as a process of conditioning, as a result of a stimulus-response-reinforcement chain. According to influence of behaviorism Imitation, practice and positive reinforcement lead to habits and the acquisition of language.
  • Chomsky Universal Grammar

    Chomsky Universal Grammar
    Chomsky claimed that children are innately predisposed to acquire language. ideas that he introduced include: universal grammar, deep structure vs. surface structure, competence vs. performance
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    Innatist Approach

  • Klima and Belluga Learners are active participants

    Klima and Belluga Learners are active participants
    Several studies showed that learners are active participants in using language. They can use their own skills and follow rules.
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    Interactional Approach

  • Selinker Interlanguage

    Selinker Interlanguage
    Selinker coined the term "interlanguage," which is the language of the learner at any given point in time. Provides a foundation for the idea of the evolving nature of language acquisition.
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    Communicative Approach

  • Krashen Comprehensible Input

    Krashen Comprehensible Input
    Krashen built on innatist views and proposed explanations he named the Monitor Model. It consisted of: the acquisition-learning hypothesis, the monitor hypothesis, the natural order hypothesis, the input hypothesis and the affective filter hypothesis. Comprehensible input consists the the i+1 level
  • Long Interaction Hypothesis

    Long Interaction Hypothesis
    Long's interaction hypothesis claims that input comes in various ways including from others. The ways are targeted: simplification on input, using linguistic features that are familiar and modifying the interactional structure of the conversation.
  • Swain Output Hypothesis

    Swain Output Hypothesis
    Input is insufficient conditton for language development. Learners also need opportunities to produce output. She claims that learners discover the gap between what they want to say and what they are able to say. Speaking also provides a way for learners to try out new rules and modify them. Lastly, learners activity reflect on what they know about the target language.
  • Celce-Murcia Communicative Competence

    Celce-Murcia Communicative Competence
    Refined the model of communicative competence as originally proposed by Canale & Swain. This most current model of communicative competence consists of: social cultural competence, discourse competence, linguistic competence, formulaic competence, interactional competence, strategic competence
  • Gass Restructuring Language

    Gass Restructuring Language
    Learners restructure their language when they integrate into their memories the input that they hear or read. They create a hypothesis and test it. Errors are a natural part of the process.