Ernest nagel

Ernest Nagel

  • Ernest Nagel Birth

    Ernest Nagel Birth
    Ernest Nagel was born in Austria-Hungary and migrated to America at a young age, acquiring his doctorate from Columbia in 1930
  • Period: to

    Ernest Nagel Lifespan

    Ernest Nagel was the most prominent American philosopher in the 1930's-1960's. Renowned for his work on logical positivism and the study of logic and philosophy.
  • An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method

    An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method
    Nagel provides an introduction to the scientific method, the logical steps taken to achieve an understood process in the natural and social sciences. His viewpoint was the scientific method has a formal structure and process that must be understood and followed.
  • The Structure of Science 1961

    The Structure of Science 1961
    His most prominent work "The Structure of Science". This publication set forth bridge laws that boiled down social and behavioral sciences fitting or translating them into the physical sciences. His theory was that similar logic and scientific explanation was valid throughout the different areas of science. Nagle, Ernest, 1961 The Structure of Science
  • Observation and theory in Science

    Observation and theory in Science
    Nagel in this book focuses on the logical status of scientific theories and relates those theories in relation to scientific observation. Are scientific theories actually testable? Can we know that theories can actually be proven true or false by the scrutiny we hold both the test and the observation to.
  • Ernest Nagel Death

    Ernest Nagel Death
    Ernest Nagel, noted philosopher and professor at the University of Columbia, elected into the National Academy of Sciences passes away.