Day I was born!
Stage 1: Trust v. Mistrust
This stage occurs when children begin to learn the ability to trust others based upon how close they are to their parent or caregiver. I started trusting my parents a couple of weeks after I was born. I also started to seek comfort from them when I was in a new or stressful situation. -
Stage 2: Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt
This stage occurs when children start to feel more independent by going places by themselves and making choices such as what clothes they want to wear. I was generally an independent child due to my curiosity. I had no problmes leaving my parents to go exploring (much to their frustration). -
Initiative vs. Guilt (Ages 3-6)
This stage occurs when kids start to makeup games and interact with others. When I was four I became interested in making up my own games and being a leader for other kids. I would go over to my neighbors house and we would go in their backyard and make up new games (usually similar to tag) and I would alwys try to create new rules that helped me win. -
Stage 4: Industry vs. Inferiority
This stage happens when children start to develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments. Children also feel good when they complete a task feel more confident in their ability to reach their goals. When I reached this stage I would love to get trophies and would put them by my bed because I was proud of my accomplishment. -
Stage 5: Identity vs. Role Confusion
When kids reach this satge they become more independent and look toward the future. Kids also try to find their identity by exploring new possibilities. During this stage I was very focused on college and what career I wanted have. I also was interested in trying new things to figureout where I belonged and what I was good at. -
Stage 7: Generativity vs. Self-Absorbtion/Stagnation
This stage occurs when someone has a good career, a family and develop a sense of belonging. I think that I will have 3 kids when I am older. I also think that I will become a lawyer like my mom. -
Stage 6: Intimacy vs. Isolation
This stage happens when people explore relationships that are long term commitments with someone other than a family member. My parents think that I will get married a couple years after college. I have a close relationship with a lot of my friends that I think will continue the rest of my life. -
Stage 8: Integrity vs. Despair
This Stage happens when people approach teh end of their life and look back on the rest of their life. They either regret things from their past or are happy about their accomplishments. I think that when I am a senior citizen I will be proud of my accomplishments.