Erikson's Personalized Timeline

  • Trust vs. Mistrust

    Occurs ages 0-18 months. Important to help child gain a sense of trust and security with world. They learn that if event occurs, they are able to get help. My mom told me that there was a period of time where I would wake up 2-3x a night and need a bottle. Since she didn't want me to be crying and waiting for so long, she brought me into her and my dads room to sleep. Then she was able to respond to me crying right away.
  • Industry vs. Inferiority

    Occurs during ages 5-12yo. Children begin to get a sense of pride in their accomplishments and getting approval from others becomes important to child. When I was 11 yo, my dad took me on a caribou hunt to Kavik Camp. I remember he was showing me how to skin a deer and started with one of the hind legs. Instead of just going through and showing me, he watched and guided me through the other back leg. After that, I was responsible for finishing the front legs. After, he told me how proud he was.
  • Intimacy vs Isolation

    Occurs during ages 18-40 yo. This stages main focus is to develop romantic/intimate relationships that are longer term. My friends invited me and another mutual friend over for drinks and game night. This mutual friend of theirs and I ended up hitting it off very well. We went out on a few dates and have now been dating for over a year. I remember always thinking that I was going to be alone and I thought I was okay with that. But meeting my boyfriend has showed me how much I was missing.