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Western Expansion

  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The louisiana purchase had 828 square miles. or territory. It streched from the mississippi in the east to the rocky moutains to the west, And fromt he golf of mexico to the south canadian border in the north. Made up of 15 states, It cost aboout 15 million.
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    Oregon Trail

    <The oregon trail was started by fur trappers and traders. It was traveled by foot, horse back, and wagons. The trips were long and hard and they were a lot of opcticals. There where rivers that they had to cross and wagons would tip. People would get ran over by the wagon, die by dieases ,and be shot by addicentel fire arm discarge they would also die from thirst.
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    Erie Canal

    The canal runs 360 miles with 83 locks. It was owned by New York state. It was built by many immagrants. At one time more than 50 thousand people depened on the canal for their survival. Today the canal has returned to its formal glory. It effectively linked the great lakes to the north western territorries to New York
  • The Alamo

    The Alamo
    The Alamo began as the San Antonio de Valero, a Spanish Mission, in 1718, one of the first in Texas. The mission played a big part in the settlement of Texas and the Southwest. The battle of the alamo start on February 23,1826 and ended March 6, 1826. The Battle of the alamo lasted 13 day our comander were William Travis,andJames Bowie. We lost the alamo but won Texas when when catured the mexican army commaner Antonio López de Santa Anna we did this in 13 miuntes we made him sign over Texastous
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    Indian Removal act

    It Was signed into by Andrew Jackson. Authorized by the pesident to great unsettled lands to trade with indian land very few indians left peacefully. 4 thousand Cherokees died.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    After a series of treaties starting in 1801, the Choctaw nation was reduced to 11,000,000 acres. The Trail of Tears is a name given to the ethnic cleansing and forced relocation of Native American nations from southeastern parts of the United States following the Indian Removal Act of 1830. Many Native Americans suffered from exposure, disease and starvation on the route to their new home. Most of them didn't leave peacfully but, either way they were removed. Many Native Americans Died.
  • Texas Annexed by the United States

    Texas Annexed by the United States
    During the 1830s the two major American political parties, the Democrats and the Whigs, had struggled to suppress the pro- and anti-slavery. Tyler secured a treaty of annexation in April 1844. In June 1844, the Senate, with its Whig majority, soundly rejected the Tyler-Texas treaty. The bill was signed by United States President Polk on December 29, 1845, accepting Texas as the 28th state of the Union.
  • The Mormon Trail

    The Mormon Trail
    The Mormon Trail or Mormon Pioneer Trail is the 1,300 mile route that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints traveled from 1846 to 1868. The trail was used for more than 20 years, until the completion of the First Transcontinental Railroad in 1869
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    California Gold Rush

    The California gold rush started in 1848 when James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill in Coloma California. The gold rush helped many people. Some poeple went broke though because they spent all their money going to California but didn't find any gold. The farmers had to spread thier land taking it from the Native Americans. According to the government of California, some 4,500 Native Americans suffered violent deaths between 1849 and 1870
  • Mexican Cession

    Mexican Cession
    The cession of this territory from Mexico was a major goal of the war. Alta California and Santa Fe de Nuevo Mexico were captured soon after the start of the war and the last resistance there was subdued in January 1847, but Mexico would not accept the loss of territory.during 1847 United States troops invaded central Mexico and occupied the Mexican capital of Mexico City, but still no Mexican government was willing to ratify transfer of the northern territories to the U.S. The U.S paid $15,0000
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    The Gadsden Purchase is a 29,670-square-mile egion of present-day southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico that was purchased by the United States in a treaty signed by James Gadsden, the American ambassador to Mexico at the time, on December 30, 1853. he purchase was the last major territorial acquisition in the contiguous United States, adding a large area to the United States.
  • Jesus was reborn

    Jesus was reborn
    Jesus was reborn and goes by the name Maverick is has been took under the wing of Mr.Putz to learn to kill the evil science teacher with his friend Emily who is a mage who cast spell to make her Mr.putz favorite student.