
  • 1.1 Entering Adolescence

    Once I turned 11, biological changes appeared. I grew several inches in less than a few months and foot size grew larger. What I experienced was growth spurt according to Santrock (2014), and I also have been through a tough transition; mood swings, I was very aggressive and emotional whenever I was rejected by my peers. Santrock, J. (2014). Adolescence, 15th edition.
  • 2.2 Niche-picking

    I was not sure about whether I should choose between passive genotype-enivornment correlations and active genotype-enviornment correlations. I felt that I have experienced both of them during my adolescence period. In the end, I have decided to pick passive one, because it might have been influence by my genes. I always looked up to my both parents and would follow their footsteps by experiencing an environment rich in art and sports and I still do them today.
  • 3.1 Imaginary audience

    Bullying was always part of imaginary audience in my life during the middle school especially. I kept thinking that everybody was watching every move I made in the middle school amd they would just picked on me. Thinking that everybody was always watching whatever I do became a habit eventually. Formal operational thinking might have contributed to those thoughts, I was trying to think abstractly by thinking about how bullies actaully chose me to be their victim.
  • 4.1 Gender-typed behavior

    In 2005, it was my first time going to middle school as a sixth-grader and I already have seen the difference in between male and female students regarding communication. During lunch time, we, boys, would always take a lead role on telling jokes, stories and lecutring with informations. This communication is known as a report talk, which is very common in among males durign their adolescence time (Santrock, 2014).
  • 3.2 Social Comparison

    I actually thought that acknowledging my social comparison motive would endanger or hurt my popularity status when I was in a middle school. I always have wanted to act like I was one of others students that were popular. The reality was that others and I were completely different yet I denied it. I kept telling myself that others and I were just in same group and I should be one of them.
  • 4.2 Non-gender-typed behavior

    If my memory serves me right, I witnessed a physical fighting in the cafeteria between two teenager female students. It was not very common for girls to get into the physical fighting in our school. According to Santrock, teenager females usually don't get invovled into the physcial agressive, but do show verbal agressive. Almost everyone was very shocked to see them got in the physical fighting, because we never have seen something like that happened in our school before.
  • 7.3 - Intrinsic Motivation

    I experienced intrinstic motivation when I learned that United States Deaf Men's Soccer National Team exists. I have played soccer all my life, I immediatiely had a motivation and I always have dreamed of being a Deaflympic athlete. My parents were Deaflympic athlete, and I always wanted to follow their steps. I finally have found my motivation, because it helped me to acheive many things in soccer and life. Now, I am a member of United States Deaf Men's Soccer National Team, because of that.
  • 2.1 Typical Maturation

    My experience of puberty is consistent with late maturer, I recalled seeing my peers experienced same thing while I did with growth spurs. We were talking about having to buying new shoes for a few time in less than a year due to sizes and yet I haven't gotten to buy new shoes for several times in less than a year until later, because I hit my growth spur way later. I believed that everything would have been different if I have hit my growth spur earlier. I would have been able to compete agains
  • 6.2 - Ego Support

    My best friend and I developed an ego support when we realized that we are interested in same thing and were pretty good at them. Playing sports and video games and we kept support each other by competing against each other constantly. So, we could maintain at getting bettrer at playing sports and video game.
  • 7.1 - Transition to High School

    It was very difficult and stressful for me when I experience a transition to high school, I had to fit in by immersing into peer group that occasionaly demanded conformity among group. So, I could experience supportive and social environment while I was in high school.
  • 6.1 - Parent Adolescent Conflict

    After my Dad passing away, I felt that I have developed strong emotional automony toward my mom. Without having Dad around us, I felt that I was able to say whatever I want to my Mom. Sometimes I said something in the front of Mom that I wouldn't say if Dad was still around. I also started questioning my Mom's authority over me, because Dad was always the one who made final decision.
  • 6.3 - Intimacy

    Best friend and I completely trusted each other, we were able to be there for each other and understand each other. We also self-disclosure our personal and experience with each other. Although, both of us went through completely different experience and yet we wanted to share them with each other. It helped us to be close to each other and build a trusting relationship.
  • 3.3 Possible self

    I started imagining about what I might become, what I would like to become and what I was afraid of becoming when I was in a high school. I was provided with a lot of resource information regards my future plan included college, jobs, and life. I was hoping to become something that I would like to, but also afraid of what I could become. At that time, I was in the presence of both hoped-for and feared ideal, which actually helped me to do well with getting into a college.
  • 1.2 Emerging Adulthood

    During my early adulthood, I was thinking more abstractly, creativity and logically than ever and I was also more aware of my surrounds. (ex. responsible, identity, lifestyle, etc.) I was always optimistic about my future regarding jobs, love, college and others. I didn't consider myself adolescent or full-fledged adult at that time. I also took a huge interest in love.
  • 7.2 - Transition to College

    My transition from high school to college was positive, because it made me fee like I am an adult with many responsible. In Santrock (2014), students are likely to feel grown up when they experience transition from high school to college. During college, I have more opportunites to explore and enjoy them. because of freedom from parental and staff monitoring.
  • 8.1 - Rite of Passage

    There is no such as an adult ritual in my family tradition here. I don't recall having a ritual party for me from teenager to adult as Santrock (2014) have described in his book. It was very interesting to see others actaully practice adult ritual like africans, jewish and natives. Although, I probably actually experienced "adult ritual" which mentioned in Santrock (2014.), obtaning a driver's license means freedom to me, I was living under my mom's radar and household until I recieve my license