Equality and Discrimination in America

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    Equality in America

  • Brown vs Board of education

    Oliver Brown's case vs the board of education in Topeka established that schools could no longer be segregated and must allow for people of color to integrate into previously white schools.
  • Equal Pay Act

    JFK signs the Equal Pay Act and forces businesses to pay equally to men and women who perform the same jobs and prohibits sex based wage discrimination.
  • Civil Rights Act 1964

    Upon many tumultuous events spurring protests all over the nation, President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to prevent from discrimination based on race, gender, religion, color, and country of origin.
  • Equal Rights Amendment

    Equal Rights Amendment is signed into effect. This amendment establishes that men and women are to enjoy the same rights.
  • Roe vs Wade

    Jane Roe filed a lawsuit against Henry Wade that dictated a woman should have the choice over her body for the right of abortion. The supreme court rules in favor of Roe and establishes that a woman's right to dictate the choices of her body are in her apparent power.
  • Oprah Winfrey Launches Talkshow

    In 1988 Oprah becomes the first woman to have her own talk show. As a black woman, she sets forth a new opening for other women of color and pushes for equal rights for all.
  • Rodney King

    On March 3, 1991, Rodney King is led on a high speed chase and when attempting to give himself up to police, he is brutally beaten and abused by four officers. When the officers involved are found not guilty in court, riots ensue and spark widespread debate over police brutality issues.
  • Violence Against Women Act

    President Clinton signs the Violence Against Women Act and helps to support women who have been a part of gender related violent crimes.
  • Barack Obama Becomes President

    Barack Obama is inaugurated into the presidential role and becomes the first African American to serve as President of the United States.
  • Women in Combat

    The United States Military lifts the ban on women serving in combat positions and allows for full equality within the military.