Epic Israel timeline

  • 135

    The Bar Kochba revolt

    This was when the Jews were killed, in slaved, or forced to move in Israel. 580,000 Jews were killed during this time and many more are going to die in the future.
  • 210

    Codification of Jewish oral law is completed

    At this time the Jews wrote down the laws for being a Jew. In doing this, Jews made it so everyone knew their laws. It also made it so the laws can’t be argued because if you disagree you just go to the laws to settle you disagreement.
  • 313

    Byzantine takes over

    The Byzantine Empire takes over Israel.
  • 614

    Persian Invasion

    This is when the Irans invaded Israel. During this time many Jews were killed due to conflict.
  • 691

    Two temples are made

    The first two Jewish temples are created. Such as the Dome of the Rock that was built by Caliph Abd el-Malik.
  • 1099

    Crusader domination

    This was when Crusader (A Latin king) took control of Jerusalem.
  • 1291

    Mameluke rule

    The Mamluks takes over Israel.
  • 1564

    Code of Jewish law

    The Jewish people re-write down their laws. They do this because their laws needed fixing.
  • First Aliya

    This is a large scale immigration from Russia. This is because the Jews wanted to go back to their home land/promise land.
  • Second Aliya

    This was the second large scale immigration. Most of the people immigrated from Russia and Poland due to genocide
  • Britain seizes Palestine from Ottomans

    Before WWI, the Ottomans had built a huge and great empire, but they lost WWI to the Allied Powers. After the war in 1917 Great Britain took control of Palestine, from the Ottomans.
  • The British rule

    The British took over Palestine because of WWI.
  • The start of WWII, and the Beginning of the Holocaust.

    WWII was started when Hitler invaded Austria. The holocaust was when hitler killed and torture a large population of Jews.
  • The Six-Day War

    In this war, the Palestinians attacked the Jewish people. The Jewish people had the help of the United States of America, so they annihilated the Palestinians.
  • Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty signed

    This was when Israel and Egypt signed a peace treaty.
  • The Gaza Strip is declared Palestinians.

    After tons of fighting the Jews finally give up the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians.