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Environmental Business Solutions
EBS grows into an environmentally conscious BMP with a reputation as a leader in sustainable stormwater management and water conservation Their "after service documentation" exceeds all current environmental regulations and licensing requirements. -
EBS Designs 1st Mobile Industrial Wastewater Treatment Unit Using Membrane Technology
Membrane unit was approved for use in the City of Portland by the Bureau of Environmental Services. -
Environmental Business Solutions (EBS Corp) Incorporates
After saving for 10 years Jim Hinkley was ready to launch his own company. Starting out small he designed his first membrane technology system for treating and processing industrial wastewater. -
First Customer: Customer: Larry's Transmissions on Foster Rd. in Portland
The first EBS job requires the cleaning and disposal for a Landa Hot Water Partswasher -
Arteise Orange Joins EBS
[Arteise Orange](www.linkedin.com/pub/arteise-orange/59/990/9b3/) Operations Manager at Environmental Business Solutions. Arteise has been a valued member of the EBS team for 10 years. -
EBS business model is directed towards Storm Water Managemen
EBS business model is directed towards Storm Water Management and Service using the EBS exclusive 3 STEP PROGRAM
Continued collection of field data for future STORM REGEN designs -
Alexander Hurlburt Joins EBS
Field Technicians Coordinator Alexander comes to EBS with 7 years of field application experience. -
Storm Regen Soft Launch
at Performance Motors for Friends and Backers -
TriMet Awards 5 year Contract To EBS For Storm Water Management
TriMet ContractTriMet Awards Contract To Environmental Business Solutions, Inc. Authorizing 5-Year Contract for Vacuum & Pump Truck Services -
EBS Files Storm Regen Patent
Turning in all the design specs and process documentation makes the whole thing real. -
Jennifer Bell Joins Environmental Business Solutions
EBS Is Granted Oregons First Mobile NPDES Permit
DEQ ISSUES 1st Mobile NPDES Permit
EBS is granted Oregons first mobile NPDES permit for mobile storm water maintenance and cleaning -
Clackamas County Elects EBS As Their Designated Stormwater Services Provider
EBS Showcases Storm Regen® Technology at ORWEF Water Environment School 2013