Period: Nov 4, 1500 to
john locke
John locke believed that people have natural rights when they are born these natural right included life, liberty, and the right toown property and that the goverment would protect these rights. -
english civil war
Henry VIII this man belived that there were places in society for certain people for example if you were born into poverty you were to belong there because god had put you there. This man was very selfish he had pretty much over thrown any power that was infront of him and then made it his own. Elizabeth I this woman belived that the church should really govern the realm that she had ruled but through the church was her ideas and doings so this was making the chrurch more powerful -
english civil war 2
Charles II this mans reign had a name it was called the restoration period he was the king of great britain and of ireland him and his parliment anacted laws Clarendon code and ws a very victorious leader James II oct 1633 he was the king of england and ireland and he was also the last roman catholic monarch to reign over engkand and ireland he had a really hard time getting along with parliament. -
Glorious revolution william and mary orange
when they came into power they had to except some of the rules that the goverment had put on them which was the bill of rights that stated it required monarch to summon parliament regularly, power of purse, it barred roman catholics from the trown and the right of trial by jury. and the glorious revolution stated that there was not to be blood transfer of power which this made the government limit there power and made the english goverment more constitusional. -
this man created the 3 branches that divide our government today the legislative the judical and the executive branches he did not belive that all man are equal and that there should be somthing that sets them aparthich also tied in with none of the branches of governent could over power one another making them even. -
this man belived that people were equal when they were born which being individualism he wanted everyone including the government to be equal -
this man belived that man was free but the government were the ones holding them down as long as there was a tax on property there was a tax on man which did not make man entirely free which then he had writen the social contract stating al of the ideas and belifes that he had in his skull -
american independence
this document was signed in 1777 it was the first constitution of the united states and it was ratified in 1777 and completed in the year 1781 and the nin 1789 they were replaced with th U.S. constitution. Bill of rights this consisted of the first 10 amendments of the united states this is the ten freedoms that americans are suppost to have without government rule. these then came into light in December 1791 this mainly focused on the right of man. -
American revolutionary war
the way that this war occured is that the thirteen colonies did not think that they were being treated fairly since they had moved away from britain so long ago. no taxation without representation and the treaty that ended the war was the treaty of paris. -
french revolution
france was devided into three diffrent states the king put all of the tax apon the third state and exempting all of the other states from this tax then the rumer spread that the king was going to have his army invade paris so then then the states prepared for this attack.