In 1900: The average American individual...
-Spent 42.5% of their income on food
-Consumer 112 grams of sugar daily
-Lived in the southwest
-Was 5' 4.5" tall -
In 1910: The average America...
-Did not own a car (but would spend $800 on one if they did)
-Made an hourly wage of $0.22
-Never graduated high school
-Probably died of either influenza, pneumonia, or turberculosis -
In 1920: The average American...
-Did not have electricity
-Spent $1.30 on a bushel of wheat
-Lived in cities
-Made $750 a year -
In 1930: The average American...
-Had an annual income of $1,970.00
-Shared their home with another 3.11 people
-Spent 19% of their income on non-necessities
-Spent $208.82 annually on clothing -
In 1940: The average American...
-Was 5' 6" tall
-Lived in New York
-Would live to be 62.9 years old
-Spent $50 on rent -
In 1950: The average American...
-Who had a school offence was probably sent to the office for gum chewing
-Spent $0.03 on stamps
-Paid $12 per sq. ft. for housing
-Spent $60 a month on rent -
In 1960: The average American...
-Weighed 153 pounds
-Was 29 years old
-Did not have a college degree
-Was married -
In 1970: The average American...
-Was making $6,186.24
-Shared their home with 2.14 other people
-Had a BMI >25
-Consumed 12 lbs of oil annually -
In 1980: The average American
-Had an annual income of $19,700.00
-Payed $1.19 for a gallon of gas
-Weighed 145 pounds
-Woman had 1.84 children -
In 1990: The average American...
-Received 42% of their calories from fat
-Teen had a GPA of 2.77
-Weighed 152 pounds
-Had an annual income of $52,684 -
In 2000: The average American...
-Consumed nearly 8 lbs of cheese annually
-Teen watched over 2.5 hours of television a day
-Was in debt
-Was 35.3 years old -
In 2016: The average American...
-Lives in the Northeast
-Consumes 153 grams of sugar a day
-Male is 5' 10"
-Spends 9.9% of their income on food