Fdr in 1933

English Project. FDR

By Kaidak
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    The Roosevelt Administration had changed the role of the federal governement from being inactive to being active, economically and politically, through their actions and responses facing the problems circulating the whole time period of WWll.
  • Born

    Franklin Roosevelt is born in Hyde Park, NY
  • Marriage and College

    Marriage and College
    FDR moves to New York City, marries Eleanor Roosevelt, and enters Columbia Law School. Due to him attending this college it later helps him during his presidency and made him a overall better political figure. Shmoop Editorial Team. “Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) Timeline of Important Dates.” Shmoop, Shmoop University, 11 Nov. 2008, www.shmoop.com/franklin-d-roosevelt-fdr/timeline.html.
  • First Political Position

    FDR is elected to the New York State Senate. Due to the fact of him being elected into the Senate it will show him a good exposure to the political life and how it works. Sutori, www.sutori.com/story/franklin-d-roosevelt-timeline-5c47.
  • New Appointed Position

    New Appointed Position
    Franklin is appointed to the position of assistant secretary of the Navy under president Woodrow Wilson.This action shows that he's had lots of achievements and this was one of his greater ones. “Franklin D. Roosevelt.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 24 Aug. 2017, www.biography.com/people/franklin-d-roosevelt-9463381.
  • A tease of presidency

    Franklin Roosevelt runs as the Democratic candidate for Vice-President, alongside James M. Cox. They're defeated by republicans Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge, but Franklin is inspired and aspires to one day become president. Things like this could tell you that he might be just one of the best presidents we've ever had. “Franklin D. Roosevelt Biography – 32nd US President Timeline & Life.” Totally History, 27 Apr. 2013, totallyhistory.com/franklin-roosevelt/.
  • Disease

    Franklin contracts Polio while swimming in Maine, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down and almost entirely ending his political career. The attack of this disease will help him show to everyone no matter the struggle you can get passed it and keep moving no matter how impossible its supposed to be. Sutori, www.sutori.com/story/franklin-d-roosevelt-timeline-5c47.
  • The Great Depression

    During this time it was a great economic decline across the nations, starting with the US. This all started due to the fact of the stock market crash in 1929, soon then followed by nine thousand banks falling during the next months. This caused people to lose their jobs and they were starving and angry at banks for not giving them their money. FDR stepped in and was as persistent as he could be with helping deflation of manufacturing prices and helped small depositors.
  • Presidency

    Roosevelt defeats Herbert Hoover with 57.4% of the popular vote and is elected the 32nd president of the United States, during its worse economic crisis ever: the Great Depression. "FDR soon found his career thriving as he was developing."(The Biography.com website)
  • WWll

    Elected in 1932 FDR started his first out of 4 terms as president. FDR led the United States from isolationism to victory over Nazi Germany and its allies in World War II. He spearheaded the successful wartime alliance between Britain, the Soviet Union and the United States and helped lay the groundwork for the post-war peace organization that would become the United Nations.
  • Death

    Franklin D. Roosevelt dies due to a cerebral hemorrhage in Warm Springs, Georgia. "The stress of World War II had taken its toll on his health." (americanhistory.si.edu)
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    In the end, FDR did many good things and was one of our better presidents that we've had and if it weren't for him the Great Depression and WWll would have destroyed our country. We've learned a lot of things from FDR and knowing that he was paralyzed from the legs down and could be our president and get us through everything he did, means no matter whats holding us back we can do what we have our minds set on.