English learning timeline

  • 1500

    Lao Tzu and Confucius

    Lao Tzu and Confucius believed that the political climate was unacceptable, but while Lao Tzu believed that the best course of action was inaction, Confucius believed that the best course of action was to try to change it, becoming a higher ranking person with good morals in order to bring about change.
  • 1500

    African proverbs

    We also took aphorisms and proverbs from Africa, and specifically proverbs of the Zulu. my favorite of these is You cannot chase two gazelles
  • Benjamin Franklin aphorisms

    We learned of the aphorisms written by Benjamin Franklin, and what some of them mean. an example is "Hunger is the best pickle" which refers to problems. It means that the best problem to have is being hungry, because that is the easiest one to solve
  • Elie: pre-deportation

    Elie: pre-deportation
    Elie was learning mysticism from Moche The Beadle. The Nazis began invading countries. Moche survived a Jewish massacre. The Jews of Sighetu ignore Moche's warning of the Germans' antisemitism.
  • John Finn

    John Finn
    Chief Petty Officer John Finn was at Kaneohe bay when Japanese bombers attacked it. He took 23 bullet and shrapnel wounds while using an improvised AA gun to fight back. He was hospitalized for 3 weeks and awarded a medal of honor for his heroism. He participated in WWII, which lasted from 1939 - 1945.
  • Jack Lucas

    Jack Lucas
    Private First Class Jack Lucas, of the allied powers, lied to get into the Marines and went to fight the Japanese. He was given a permanent spot after being commended for his enthusiasm. He was armed and sent in, but when he was on the battlefield, he realized the horror and randomness of a soldier's death.
  • Elie deported

    Elie deported
    Elie gets deported by the Axis Powers.. There is a fire obsessed woman being hurt because the others were afraid. He had to follow the Nuremberg laws and Hitler(the author of Mein Kampf and instigator of WWII) who was Führer at that time, forced him to leave.
  • Auschwitz

    Elie gets taken to Auschwitz. He believes that Auschwitz isn't that bad because he has a kind supervisor. He stays at the camp for 3 weeks. Pogroms occurred all the time.
  • Elie in Buna concentration camp

    Elie in Buna concentration camp
    Elie goes to Buna. He acted as a scapegoat for on of Idek's fits of madness. He meets a girl from France who helps him after Idek's fit of madness. He later learns that she passed herself off as on of the Aryan race in order to get her position.
  • Gliwice, poland

    Gliwice, poland
    Elie participated in a death march into Germany when the Russians got too close to the camp. He could have stayed in the hospital, but he believed that they would be killed. They were liberated. He had a split open foot and he was supposed to rest for 10 more days before he would walk again. He met Juliek briefly before Juliek died. tried to leave his father behind when he started to fall behind. Hitler started the final solution. https://www.thoughtco.com/holocaust-death-marches-1779657
  • The surahs

    The surahs
    We completed a reading and reading based activity for the surahs "night", "daylight", and "comfort" from the Quran.
  • Folktale - The Hare's Revenge

    We did a folktale activity in which we were given a folktale to thinglink on. My folktale was called "The Hare's Revenge", in which a buffalo, who was on his way to a lion, asks a hare to carry his mat. He treats the hare badly, forcing him to walk farther than he could, which makes the hare mad. The hare places bees inside the buffalo's mat, and when the buffalo gets to his room after the meeting with the lion, the hare locks the door, trapping him with the bees, then the hare leaves.
  • Book of choice - the book of Amber

    Time does not exist in the book of Amber, however, they use modern English dialects and medieval fighting styles.The story follows the adventures of Corwin of Amber, who is in the middle of a battle for the throne of Amber, the city of their birth. He originally wakes up without memory, and he continues to act as he would unconsciously, but soon got his memory back through use of the pattern.