English Inquiry 2013-90853 Should changes to human DNA that can be inherited through generations be legal?

  • Day 1 Finished coming up with sub-questions and fertile questions.

    Have got 10 sub-questions.
  • Period: to

    Research time-Get research finished in this time frame.

    9-10 sub-questions
  • Period: to

    Time to finish The entire project!

    Answer all subquestions, filter information, Answer fertile question(conclusion) and do report at end as well as the folder- bibliography etc...
  • Finish answering second sub-question, start on third.

    Make glossary (begin), start answering advantages of GM.
  • Finish 3rd sub-question, start 4th.

    finish finding advanages, start on disadvantages.
  • Answer last of sub-questions

    At least in shallow detail.
  • Do a survey about opinions

    for/against GM of humans.
  • Start research folder stuff.

    put bibliography, resource analysis, contents, title, and possibly an answer to a sub-question. Same format as last year.
  • Start a draft report.

    Basic, lotsof information, doesn't matter how messy, will edit.
  • Finish research.

    Answer all sub-questions by today.
  • Period: to

    Time from finishing research to finishing inquiry.

    DO all filtering of information, answer fertile question and do a report as conclusion as well as the folder with bibliography etc...
  • Finish draft notes/ish report, edit!!!!!

    get information down so that I can edit it and get ready for assessment on 25th.
  • First block to get draft essay done.

    begin a good draft of my conclusion essay.
  • Second block to finish draft and start published copy of essay.

  • Essay Due today

    Last block to complete essay for assesment.
  • Hand in assessment today!

    research folder and report.