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English History (1640-1800)

  • Period: to

    The Long Parliament

  • Period: to

    Civil War of England

  • Period: to

    Rump Parliament

  • Trail of the King (Charles I)

    The day is irrelavent as historians have not pin-pointed when the Trial of the King occured.
  • Tea arrives in England

  • Period: to

    Oliver Cromwell Reign

  • Period: to

    Richard Cromwell Reign

    He did a terrible job, so they abolished the "Lord Protector" status in 1659, there General George Monck straightend things out.
  • Cromwell Dies

    Cromwell Dies
  • Period: to

    Charles II Reign

  • Charles II Crowned

    Charles II Crowned
    The Monarchy is restored!
  • Charles II Dies

  • Plauge of 1665

    Plauge of 1665
  • Period: to

    James II Reigns

    LAST Roman Catholic to reign over the Brits to this day!
  • George Monck comes in

    Brings England back on track and brings back the Monarchy & Parliament
  • Fire of 1666

  • Glorious Revolution

    Bye James, Hello William!
  • Period: to

    William III Reign

  • James II Dies

  • Period: to

    Queen Anne Reign

  • Period: to

    The Parliament of GBR

    ... Is established (In use to this day)
  • Period: to

    George I Reign

  • Period: to

    George II Reign

  • Period: to

    George III Reign