
  • end of ww1

  • elie wisel born

  • US stock market crashes

  • hitler became chancelor of germany

  • HItler becomes chancellor of Germany

  • Adolf hitler becomes leader of nazi party

  • 1st concentration camp opende in berlin

  • Olymipics held in berlin

  • Period: to

    berlin olympics

  • Kristallnacht

  • Nazis order jews to ware yellow stars

  • Brittain france Austraila and new zealand

  • nazis begin euthanasia on sick and disabled

  • nazis invade the netherlands

  • Nazis invade Northern Africa

  • Nazis bombed berlin

  • Peal Harbor

  • Elie and his family deported

  • Allied forces D-day invasion

  • Soveit troops liberate aushwits

  • elis father dies in buchenwald

  • Elie liberated from buchenwald

  • Usa drops bomb on heroshima

  • NUke was dropped on nagasaki

  • state of isreal created