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English monarchs

  • Period: 849 to 899

    Alfred the Great

    defeated Danes, restorate London, established a Court School
  • Period: 1016 to 1035

    Cnut the Great

    1016: Danes reinvaded and controlled most of England. Chosen by the Witan. King of England, Denmark, Norwegians and some of the swedes.
  • Period: 1042 to 1066

    Edward "the confessor"

    more interested in the church than in kingship
    vow of chastity, although married with Edith Godwinson
  • Period: 1066 to 1066

    Harold Godwinson

    Edward's brother-in-law
    strong leader with great military and diplomatic ability
    his brother Tostig began a revolt
  • Period: 1066 to 1087

    William I

    ruled Normandy as well as England
    tried to disturb anglo-saxon institutions as little as possible
    also held land in France
  • Period: 1087 to 1100

    William II

    victorious general and wise ruler whose character was complex
    possibly homosexual
    died childless
  • Period: 1100 to 1135

    Henry I

    acted quickly and take the crown
  • Period: 1135 to 1154


    chosen instead of Matilda (only few nobles chose her)
    she invaded England (civil war)
  • Period: 1154 to 1189

    Henry II

    first of the Plantagenet kings
    agreement between Matilda and stephen
    Richard and John were against him
  • Period: 1189 to 1199

    Richard I

    "The Absent King"
    freed his mother from prison
    brave, good soldier but of french culture, perfect feudal king
  • Period: 1199 to 1216


    unpopular because he was greedy
    impose high taxes so the barons rebelled
    forced to grant a charter, Magna Carta
  • Period: 1216 to 1272

    Henry III

    only 9, he could not rule alone until he was 25
    he favoured his french supporters and became involved in expensive wars
  • Period: 1272 to 1307

    Edward I

    brought together the first real parliament
    was the first king to create a representative institution
    House of Lords/House of Commons
  • Period: 1327 to 1377

    Edward III

    declared war on France (Hundred Years War)
    son of Elizabeth who was the surviving daugther of the french king
    was considered by many worthy to inherit the throne
  • Period: 1377 to 1399

    Richard II

    hated by his nobles
    sent his uncle John of Gaunt to prison
    was forced to abdicate and was starved to death
  • Period: 1399 to 1413

    Henry IV

    lived a 14 years long pacific reign
  • Period: 1413 to 1422

    Henry V

    when he was about to become the king og England and France, he died
  • Period: 1422 to 1461

    Henry VI

    become king as a baby
    civilised gentleman, cultured, but mentally ill
    terrible advisors: House of Lancaster
  • Period: 1461 to 1483

    Edward IV

    put Henry VI into the tower of London
  • Period: 1483 to 1483

    Edward V

    is a child
    imprisoned with his brother into the Tower of London
    later disappeared
  • Period: 1483 to 1485

    Richard III

  • Period: 1485 to 1509

    Henry VII

    Henry VI's welsh half brother
    defeated Richard III and married Elizabeth, Edward IV's daughter
    his aim was to make the crown financially independent
  • Period: 1509 to 1547

    Henry VIII

    he wanted to become an important influence and wasted much of his father's fortune to do so
    changed sides according to the ally that most benefited him
  • Period: 1547 to 1553

    Edward VI

    9 years old, ruled by a council
    instructed in the new faith (Protestant)
  • Period: 1553 to 1553

    Jane Grey

    Protestants put her on the throne in an attempt yo stop Mary
    was an innocent 16 years old puppet during nine days
  • Period: 1553 to 1558

    Mary I

    married Phillip II of Spain
    "turn or burn" - 300 were burnt during her reign
    died childless
  • Period: 1558 to

    Elizabeth I

    Mary's half sister
    established "a middle way" in religious matters
    more catholic than protestant
  • Period: to

    James I

    sucessful as king of Scotland. He believed in Absolutism
    clever, well educated, good ruler: catholic and protestanst nobles under royal control. Always quarrelling with Parliament
  • Period: to

    Charles I

    found himself quarrelling even more bitterly with the commons
    surprised everyone by being able to rule sucessfully without Parliament. "Seven Years of Tyranny"
  • Period: to

    Oliver Cromwell

    created a government far more severe
    disagreement between the army and Parliament's dissolution
    1653: He governed alone ("Lord Protector")
  • Period: to

    Richard Cromwell

    quickly realised that he had not his father's genius and retired to his farm
  • Period: to

    Charles II

    sympathies towards the Catholic Church
    strong belief in absolutism
  • Period: to

    James II

    tried to remove the laws which stopped Catholics from taking positions in government and Parliament
    tried to bring back the Catholic Church
  • Period: to

    Mary II

    married to William III
    they had to accept the Bill of Rights if they wanted to govern together
  • Period: to

    William III

    he wanted to protect Protestant rights
    married to Mary II
    they had to accept the Bill of Rights if they wanted to govern together
  • Period: to


    had 16 children, all died
    1701, Act of Settlement: only a Protestant can be a king
  • Period: to

    George I

    german king
    First Prime Minister: Robert Walpole
    power of the king was restricted and anti-Catholic
  • Period: to

    George III

    did not want to continue the expensive war (7 years war)
    wished to choose his own ministers and play a more active part in governig Britain
  • Period: to

    Queen Victoria

    grandmother of Europe, restored crown popularity, longest reign, most celebrated monarch (shared the values and morality of the middle class)